Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1783

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STATISTICS OF CAUSES OF DEATH. .TUNE 19, 1934. 3789 ARTICLE 3. Each Contracting Government undertakes to compile statistics .Statistlcs to. be com· plied by each Signatory. of causes of death in accordance with the conditions laid down in article 2 from the 1st January following the date of its signature of or accession to the present agreement. ARTICLE 4. 1 Modifications may in accordance with the conditions laid !d.odifications in ., mmlmum nomencJa- down in this article, be made in the minimum nomenclature to take ture. effect from the 1st January, 1940, or the 1st January in any subsequent tenth year (hereinafter called "revision dates "), but not otherwise. 2 For the purpose of revising the minimum nomenclature the: ese.<!f other reportB • In reVISion. Contracting Governments agree to take fully into account the reports of any International Commission which may be convened in the same manner and with the same objects as the International Com- mission of 1929 for the Decennial Revision of the International Nomenclature of Diseases. 3. In order to facilitate the operation of the preceding paragraph i~~nferences the French Government shall, at the end of each session of the International Commission, call a conference of the delegations who have represented on that Commission the Governments which are parties to the present agreement. This conference shall consider the resolutions of the Commission. author- 4 Each Contracting Government shall have the right to demand Hi~hts ()f si~!ltories • to demand renSlon. the revision of the minimum nomenclature in force. The request shall be addressed to the French Government, which 'will thereupon convene a conference of the Contracting Governments to consider the recommendations and to draft the modifications. 5. Modifications of the minimum nomenclature which have been Enactments. etc. adopted at least one clear year before the next ensuing revision date at a conference convened under the preceding paragraph by a majority of not less than four-fifths of the delegates of the Contracting Govern- ments shall take effect as from such revision date. In respect of each Contracting Government the minimum nomenclature thus modified shall replace the minimum nomenclature hitherto in force in accord- ance with the provisions of the agreement as from the revision date, or, if the Contracting Government so decides, as from the 1st January next following the revision date. ARTICLE 5. Contracting Governments wishing to secure the compilation of . Detailed compila- tIOns. statistics in greater detail than those given in the minimum nomen- clature may enter into a mutual agreement in order to increase as far as possible the comparability of statistics, provided that such an agreement shall not infringe the provisions of article 2 of the present agreement.