Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/180

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2196 74TH CONGRESS. SESS. I . CHS. 786, 787. AUGUST 27, 193~. [CHAPTER 786.] AN ACT AgWlts5. . . i 8i iL ... To authorize the settlement of individual claims of military personnel for damages - tPri..s.=:'='N;ro·:33[J to and loss of private property incident to the training, practice, operation, or maintenance of the army. Be it enacted by the Senate and H0U8e of Representatives of the ~uauthorized United State8 of America in Oongress assembled, That the General Co.~ person- Accounting Office be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to pay e:..e&c., for property the followmg claims of military personnel and civilian employees Vol g. P. 1436. in the amounts shown which have been approved and recommended for payment by the Secretary of 'Var, for damages to and loss of private property of such personnel incident to the training, practice, AIIk, p. 127. operation, or maintenance of the Army, and that such payments be made from the present appropriation of the War Department entitled" Claims for Damages to and Loss of Private Property": Maynard R. Ashworth, captain, Infantry Reserves, $33.40; John B. Bowman, first sergeant, $29; Robert J. Benton, corporal, $25; John H. Brimberry, first sergeant, $63.52; Charles F. Bryan, civilian employee, $7.40; John H. Burns, captain, Infantry, $11; Frank L. Blue, Junior, lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, $450; Lionel J. Cro- teau, sergeant, $99.05; Charles H. Coy, staff sergeant, $9.75; Grove- ner C. Charles, lieutenant, Infantry, $15; Samuel L. Davidson, warrant officer, $4.90; Daniel Farrer, master sergeant, $23.25; Louis H. Foote, lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, $4.50; Francis S. Gardner, lieutenant, Field Artillery, $14.20; John F. Hartman, sergeant, $59; James P. Hodges, captain, Air Corps, $98.50; Daniel H. Hundley, lieutenant, Infantry, $16; M. E . Jennings, lieutenant, Chemical War- fare Service, $150; A. D. Johnson, captain, Infantry, $95.65; Carl A. Kastle, ser~ant, $18; H. Koontz, civilian employee, $41.53; Grover McEntIre, warrant officer, $58.78; Shockley D. Mullinix, staff sergeant, $1.10; Richard McCranie, civilian employee, $18.22; Huna Putchkoff, technical sergeant, $30; Henry Pascale, captain, Air Corps, $20.50; J. W . Richards, civilian employee, $8.50; John Y. Schultheis, Senior, master sergeant, $18.86; Arnold W. Shutter~, Field Artillery, $11.85; Charles D. Schultz, civilian employee, $8; Richard J. Sorensen, private, $219.45; and Roger M. Wicks, lieutenant, Field Artillery, $45. Approved, August 27, 1935. [CHAPTER 787.) AN ACT August 27. 1935. --=,.J;(H~••c..: .IR::., .54;,,::.:: ,15. "'"'] , . .. . - To confer jurisdiction on the District Court of the United States for the Eastern [Private, No. 340.] District of North Carolina, to hear, determine, and render judgment upon the claims of the Pamlico Timoer Corporation against the Urited States. Be iI e'MCted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ~!OOTimberCor- United State8 of America in Oongre8s assembled, That jurisdiction Olaim'of, submitted is hereby_ conferred upon the District Court of the United States to District Court. for the Eastern DistrIct of North Carolina to hear, determine, and render judgment upon, as if the United States were suable in tort, the claim of the Pamlico Timber Corporation, of Winchester, Vir- ginia, ~or damages to its property adJacent to Swanquarter Migra- tory BIrd Refuge, Hyde County, North Carolina, allegedly arising from a fire set by a surveying party of the Bureau of Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture, on or about the 19th day of Octooor 1931. Suit hereunder may be instituted at any time WIthin ~ne year ~rom the date of the enactment of this Act, and proceed- mgs therem, appeals therefrom, and payment of judgment thereon~