Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1826

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3832 ScheduleIL RECIPROCAL TRADE-BRAZIL. SCHEDULE II NOTE: The provisions of this Schedule shall be construed and given the same effect, and the application of collateral provisions of the customs laws of the United States to the provisions of this Schedule shall be determined insofar as may be practicable, as if each provision of this Schedule appeared respectively in the paragraph of the Tariff Act of 1930 nuted in the column at the left of the respective descriptions of articles. Tari1f Act of 1930 Paragraph Description of Articles 10 Copaiba balsam, natural and uncompounded, and not containing alcohoL _____________________ _ 35 Ipecac, natural and uncompounded, but advanc2d in value or condition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crushing, or any other process or treat- ment whatever beyond that essential to proper packing and the prevention of decay or deteriora- tion pending manufacture, not containing alco- hol _______________________________________ _ 35 Mate, na.tural and uncompounded, but advanced in value or condition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crushing, or any other process or treat- ment whatever beyond that essentia.l to proper packing and the prevention of decay or deteriora- tion pending manufacture, not containing alco- hol _______________________________________ _ 302(80) Manganese ore (induding ferruginous m8.nganese ore) or concentrates, and manganiferous iron ore, all the foregoing containing in ex'!ess of 10 per- centum of metallic manganese _______________ _ 757 762 1602 1602 1653 1654 1697 1719 1727 1732 1765 1796 1796 1803 Cream or nuts: Not shelled_____________________________ .. __ _ Shelled____________________________________ _ Castor beans ________________________________ _ Ipecac, natural and uncompounded and in a crude state, not advanced in value or condition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crushing, or any other process or treatment whatever beyond that essential to proper packing and the prevention of decay or deterioration pending manufacture, not containing alcohoL ____________ .. ____________ _ MaM, natural and uncompounded and in a crude state, not advanced ill value or condition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crushing, or any other process or treatment whatever beyond that essential to proper packing and the prevention of decay or deterioration pending manufacture, not containing alcohoL _________________________ _ Cocoa or cacao beans, and shells thereof ________ .. Coffee, except coffee imported into Puerto Rico __ _ Gutta balata ________________________________ _ Zirconium ores or concentrates_________________ _ Babassu nuts and kernels _________________ .____ Bd.bassu-nut oil, expressed or extracted _________ _ Deerskins, raw_______________________________ _ Carnaubawax_______________________________ _ Beeswax, not specially provided for _____________ _ Cabinet woods in the log ______________________ _ Rate of Duty 5% ad valorem. 5% ad valorem 5% ad valorem ~ cent per pound on the metallic manga. - nese contained there- in. %cent per pound. 2~ cents per pound. h cent per pound. Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free \