Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1843

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MILITARY )IISSIOX-BIL\.ZIL. The ,,'.'a-retarlj of Stalf' ~I1ull) to tlw B I'azilian Amha..'1sador (Aranha) \. EXCELLENCY : DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, December 16, 1935. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of No- vember 9, 1935, wherein, in accordance with Article 3 of the Mili- tary-Mission Agreement between the United States of America and the United States of Brazil, signed at Washington on May 10, 1934, you make known to me the wish of your Government that the said Agreement be extended for a period of two years, from May 10, 1936, to May 10, 1938, if such extension should be agreeable to the Government of the United States. Duly authorized thereto, I am happy to inform you, in reply, that the extension of the Military-Mission Agreement of May 10, 1934, until May 10, 1938, will be entirely agreeable to the Government or the United States of America, and that the Government of the United States of America will be pleased to consider your note and this acknowledgment thereof as constituting an a~reell1ellt extend- ing the said Military-Mission Agreement from May 10, 1936, to May 10, 1938. Your note does not specifically request that the extension include also the supplementary agreement effected by exchange of notes on July 21 and July 23, 1934, and the supplementary agreement effected by my note of June 20 and your note of October 29, 1935. If it is desired by your Government that these two supplementary agree- ments should also be included in the extension, the Government of the United States of America, upon being so informed by you, will be pleased to consider that the extensional agreement effected by your note of November 9,1935, and my present note, applies not only to the agreement of May 10, 1934, but to the two supplementary agreements as well. Accept, Excel1ency~ the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. His Excellency OSWALDO ARAXIIA, Ambassador of Brazil. CORDELl. HtjLL The Brazilian Amhassad01' (Aranha) to the Se01'etary of State (Hull) No. 110 EMBAIXADA DOS ESTADOS U NIDOS DO BRASIL, Washington, em 19 de dezembro de 1935. SENHOR SECRETARIO DE ESTADO, 3849 Agreement by United States. Tenho a honra de accusar 0 recebimento da sua N?ta No. 832.20/ B~lfirm8tlon by 100, de 16 do corrente, com a qual Vossa ExcellenCla me informa, em resposta a minha No. 94, de 9 de novembro ultimo, que 0 Governo dos Estados Unidos da America concorda com 0 prolongamcnto.