Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1874

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3880 RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLO~lnIA. the foreign market value, or, in the absence of such value, than the cost of production in the country of origin. ARTICLE V No restrictio~, 1. No prohibition or restriction ports whele obh!(atlOllS.. • assumed. on ImportatIOIls shall be Imposed bv the United States of Ameriea or the RepubJic of Colombia on articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the other country Ante, I'. 38i7 . Prori. • o. Exct:ptions. ~ ° quantitative re, strif'tion. PrOt'iS()3. ' \otice to jJe r:iH'll . with respect to which obligations have been assumed under Arti- cles II or I, respectively, of this Agreement: Provided, That the foregoing provision shall not ap- ply to prohibitions or restrictions (a) relating to public security; (b) imposed on moral or humani- tarian grounds; (c) designed to protect human, animal, or plant life, subject to the provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article VIII; (d) relating to prison-made goods; (e) relating to the enforcement of police or revenue laws; or (f) permitted by paragraph 2 of this Artic1e. 2. The provisions of the first paragraph of this Article shall not. apply to any quantitative restric- tion imposed by the United States of America or the Republic of Colombia on the importation or sale of any artide the growth, produce or manufacture of the other country in conjunction with governr.lental measures operating to regulate or control the produc- tion, market supply, or prices of like domestic articles: Provided, That bpfore any quantitative restriction on importation undpr the foregoing provisions of this paragraph is ('stablished, or hay- ing been established, is materially changed, the Government of the country which proposes to estab- lish or mat(lrially change such restrietion shall give notice then'- of in writing to the other GO\'ern- ment and shall a(,cord tho latter havan sido vendida.<; a menor valor que el del mercado extran- jero, 0, a falta de tal valor, que el de su costo de pro<iue('i6n en ('1 pais de origen. ARTICULO V 1. Ni los Estados B'nidos de . lunerica ni la Republica de Co- lombia podran prohibir 0 rps- tringir las importaciones de los articulos 0 produetos naturales 0 manufadurados del otro pais con respeeto a los cuales han eontraido obligaciones con forme a los Ar- Heulos II 0 J, respectivamente, de cste conv~nio; pero 1a disposicion precedente no se aplicara a pro- hibiciones 0 restriccionps (a) rela- tivas a la seguridad publiea; (b) ni a las que se fund en en razones moraies 0 humanitarias; (c) ni a 1as ellcaminadas a protegeI' la vida humana, animal 0 vegetal, sujetas a las disposiciones de los incisos 20 y 30 del Articulo VIII; (d) ni a las aplicables a artieulos heehos en las careeJes; (e) ni a las medidas tendielltes a hacer efectivas las leyes de rentas o de policia; (f) ni a las permitidas conforme al inciso segundo de este Articulo. 2. Las disposicion('s del prim('r inciso do est.e Articulo no se apli- caran a ninguna restricei6n cuan- titativa impuesta por los Esta- dos Unidos de America 0 la Republica de Colombia sobre III importacion 0 la venta de cual- quier articulo 0 prodl'cto natural o manufaetnrado dpl otro pais rplacionada eon n1<'didlls gub('rna- mentalps tendipnt('s a reglumentar o eontrolar la produ('ci6n, el abasteeimiento do los m('rclldos o pI preeio de artirulos analogos de origen n'l.eional. Queda en- tendido que antes de que se establezca. cualquipfU restricci6n ('u9.ntitativa sobre Ins importu- ciones de llcuerdo ('on Jas disposi- eiones precedentcs de este inci~o, 0 de que se modifiqtw sustllneinl- mente una yn establpeidn, el Gobiprno dcl pnis ({1!P se propongn establec('r 0 ('amhiar sllstaneial-