Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1888

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3894 80Iaeduie 1-000 . Oolomblan TarIft Numeral 218-C 219 219-B 219-C 225 232 232 285 286 287 288 290 299 304 306 306-A 309 310 3UL A RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLOMBIA. SCHEDULE I-Continued Product Import Duty in Colom· blan Pesos per Gross Kilo Under Numeral 197: Oleographs, chromos, prints (estampas), figures, engravings, printed or litho- graphed on paper or cardboard, even wrien having frames of wood or of metal that is not fine, without advertising (with advertising, see Numerals 187 to 192). Cotton strings and aU cotton yams of more than 3 strands. Unbleached cotton cloths, different from those men- tioned in Numerals 223 and 224. Unbleached cotton canvas for ships, tents, cots, pack- saddles, with a net weight not less than 400 grams per square meter. White and colored canvas that has the same weight and characteristics of that mentioned in the pre- ceding Numeral. Cotton blankets, even with hems, binding, or sewn taped edge. on cloth for table covers, etc., for floors and for car- riages, even containing hemp or linen, etc. Rubber, in cut sheets. Under Numeral 282: Rings, washers, joints, pressure collars, stops or cams, rubber in sheets for surgical uses, for the sick, for dental uses, without tram; rubber for machine packings. Tubes and canals. Under Numeral 285: Tubes of rubber for irrigators. Hose. Note-As rubber hose is classified tubes of rubber of a diameter of 2 centimeters or more. (With a di- ameter of less than 2 centimeters, see Numeral 285). Solid or pneumatic tires of rubber for automobiles, coaches or bicycles, etc. Transmission belts. Rubberized tape for insulation. Films, photographic plates of celluloid, sensitized, un- exposed, with the exception of plates for X-rays, which are dutiable under Numeral 545. (For ex- posed films and photographic plates, see Numeral 552). Note-For photographic plates of glass, see Numeral 601. Underclothing of cloth of cotton, linen, hemp, ramie and similar materialst.!or men, women and children. (For knit goods, see Numerals 324 to 326-A). The same, of animal silk. The same, of artificial silk. Under Numerals 304 to 306-A: Shirts, handkerchiefs, collars, cuffs, shirt bosoms, stomachers, bathing robes, drawers and undershirts, of cloth. Corsets, of cotton linen, hemp, ramie, and simBar materials. Corsets of animal silk. Corsets of artificial silk. 0.45 O. 70 O. 35 0.45 O. 70 O. 60 O. 25 0.06 C.01 o05 0.02 O. 03 O. 30 2.10 9.00 6.00 1. 50 4. 00 2. 65