Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1904

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3910 Schedule I-Con. Colombian Taril1 Numeral 643 648 717 721 738 739 741 743 750-A 756 763-A 765 766 768 776 777 786 790 RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLOMBIA. SCHEDULE I-Continued Product Import Duty in Colom. bian Pesos per Gross Kilo Pine rCI'in, colophony, yellow pitch. Turpentine or essences of turpentine and substitutes, such as "Leptina". Chemical products applicable to industry, not ex- pressly mentioned. Under Numeral 717: Cements for gluing leather, liquid cements for gluing chinaware, Jlnd crystal. Black powder for hunting. Under Numeral 721: Powder for mines. Unprepared chemieal colors, not specified in other parts of the tariff. Under Numeral 738: Prussian and ultramarine blue, carmine, vermilion, chrome green, ~hrome yellow, red oxide of iron in powder. Inks for printing and lithographing. Other prepared colors. Under Numeral 741: Bronzes (powders for bronzing), white lead, zinc white, red oxide of iron with oil. Varnishes, enamels not mentioned in other parts of the tariff. Under Numeral 743: Enamel for application in the cold, with a base of silicate; lacquers, enamels, sapoline, enamel of gold or silver. Paraffin wax for industrial uses. Oils and greases not mentioned in other parts of the tariff, worked, lubricating pastes for machines, vehicles, etc. Under Numeral 756: Prepared oils and greases, mix- tures, lubricants, prepared oils and greases for tan- ning, as those called "gras", cremoline, acidoiine, etc. Soap in cream for shaving when imported in original flexible tubes (collapsible). Products for cleaning, stain removing, impregnating, shoe polishing, etc., with a base of turpentine oil, benzine, etc., such as shoe polishes, creams and greases for the shoes, blacking for lea'~her pastes, pomades and powders for cleaning metals, etc., pre- pared waxes for polishing floors. Under Numeral 765: Bricks for cleaning metals. Tobacco in leaf, cut tobacco. Tobacco in cigarettes. Bulbs for electric incandescent lamps, voltaic arcs, (;e11s for electric pocket lamps. Electric pocket lamps, with or without cells. Pencils, black or colored. Under Numeral 786: Leads for pencil holders, pencil holders, pen holders, (for those of gold, silver, or platinum, see Numeral 477). Inked ribbons for typewriters. 0.01 0.12 0.10 0.40 O. 12 0.01 n. 12 0.12 0.05 O. 06 1. 00 0.20 !'i. 00 b.OO O. 06 O. 40 0.21 0.15