Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1918

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3924 RECIPROCAL TRADE-SWITZERLAND. Any advantage, favor, privilege or immunity which has been or mar hereafter be ranted by the Umted States 0 America or Switzerland, in regard to the above-mentioned matters, to a natural or manufactured product originating in any third country or consigned to the territory of any third country, shall be ac- corded immediately and without compensation to the like product originating in or consigned to the territory of Switzerland or the United States of America, re- spectively. ARTICLE XI Modification where In the event that a wide varia- rate of exchange is • • h fh prejudiCial. tlon occurs In t e rate 0 exc ange between the currencies of the United States of America and Switzerland, the Government of either country, if it considers the variation so substantial as to prejudice the industries or com- merce of the country, shall be free to propose negotiations for the modification of .this Agreement or to terminate this Agreement in its entirety on thirty days' written notice. ARTICLE XII . Reciprocal ('onsidera- The Government of the United tlon concerning eus- S f Am' hG toms, sanitary laws, tates 0 enca or t e overn- etc. ment of Switzerland, as the case Settlement of dis- agreements. may be, will accord sympathetic consideration to, and when re- quested will afford adequate opportunity for consultation re- garding, such representations as the other Government may make with respect to the operation of customs regulations, quantitative restrictions or the administra- tion thereof, the observance of customs formalities, and the application of sanitary laws and regulations for the protection of human, animal, or plant life or health. In the event that the Govern- Ir.ent of either country makes representations to the Govern- ment of the other country in re- spect of the application of any Tous les avantages, faveurs, privileges et immunites qui ont eM ou seront accordes a l'avenir par les Etats-Unis d'Amerique ou 10. Suisse dans 10. matiere susdite a un produit naturel ou manu- facture originaire d'un autre pays quelconque, ou destine au terri- toire d'un autre pays quelconque, seront, immediatement et sans compensation, appliques au pro- duit de m~me nature originaire de 10. Suisse ou des Etats-Unis d'Amerique respectiYement ou destine au territoire de l'un de ees pays. AR'.i .'ICLE XI Si Ie taux du change entre les monnaies americaine et suisse venait a varier considcrablement, Ie Gouvernement de chacun des pays sera libre de proposer l'ou- verture de negociations tendant a modifier Ie present accord ou de d6noncer ceIui-ci, dans son entier, moyennant un preavis cerit, de trente jours, s'il estime que 10. variation en question est de telle ampleur qu1elle peut porter prejudice aux industries ou au commerce du pays. ARTICLE XII Le Gouvernement des Etats- Unis d'Amerique ou Ie Gouverne- ment suisse, suivant Ie cas, accordera une bienveillante at- tention et, sur requete, fournira toute facihM en vue d'une con- sultation, relativement a toutes les representations que Ie Gou- vernement de l'autre de ccs pays pourrait lui faire au suiet de l'application des reglements douaniers, des restrictions quan- titatives ou de l'administration de ces dernieres, de I'observation des formalites douanieres et de l'application des lois et regIe- ments sanitaires pour 10. protec- tion de 10. vie ou de 10. sante de l'homme, des animaux ou des plantes. Lorsque Ie Gouvernement de l'un des pays fel'a des representa- tions au Gouvernement de l'autre pays relativement 8. l'application de lois ou reglements sanitaires