Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1946

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3952 Schedule II-Con- tinued. RECIPROCAL TRADE-S'VITZERLAND. SCHEDULE II-Continued United States Taritl Act of 1930 Paragraph 1)escription of Articles 1529 (a) 1529 (b) Insertings, edgings, galloons, flouncings, and all- overs, any of the foregoing which are burnt-out laces, and finished or unfinished articlf's in chief value of one or more of the foregoing; all the fore- going, however described and provided for in paragraph 1529 (a) Handkerchiefs, wholly or in part of machine-made lace; handkerchiefs embroidered (whether with a plain or fancy initial, monogram. or otherwise, and whether or not the embroidery is on a scalloped edge), tamboured, appliqued, or from which threads have beenomitted,drawn, punched, or cut, and with threads introduced after weaving to finish or ornament the openwork, not including one row of straight hemstitching adjoin- ing the hcm; any of the foregoing, finished or un- finishcd, which contain no handmade lace and which are not embroidered or tamboured in any part by hand: Composed wholly or in chief value of cotton ComJlosed wholly ot in chief value of veg'!table fiber other than cotton: If finished and valued at 80 cents or more per dozen If unhemmed and without any finished edge, and valued at 45 cents or more per dozen 1530 (e) Tum or turned boots and shoes, made wholly or in chief value of leather, not specially provided for 1541 (a) Music boxes and parts t~ereof, not specially pro- vided for 1558 Preparations for flavoring or seasoning food, in chief value of yeast extract, containing no alcohol, and not including sauces 1626 Bolting cloths composed of silk, imported expressly for milling purposes, ann so permanentl:, markerl as not to be available for any other U!ole Rate of Duty 60% ad val. 2¢ each and 30% ad val. 2¢ each and 30% ad val. 2¢ each and 30% ad ITal. 10% ad val. 20% ad val. 12~% ad val. Free