Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1965

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Number of Canadian Tariff Item ISla 184 187 195 196 197 197a 199 210 213 236 239 256 263 281 281a 282 305 306 RECIPROCAL TRADE-CANADA. SCHEDULE I-Continued Tariff on Goods the Growth.: .Prod- uoe or Manu· facture of the United Statee Description of ArtirJe of Ameri08 Pictorial post cards, greeting cards and similar artistic cards or folders 32}£ p.c. Newspapers, unbound, n.o.p.; tailors', milliners' and mantle-makers' fashion plates, when imported in single copies in sheet form with periodical trade journals; mag- azines published in other than the English or the French language Alliumenized and other papers and films chemically pre- Free pared for photographers' use, n.o.p. 25 p.c. Paper hanging or wall papers, including borders or bor- dering 32~ p.c. Newsprinting paper and all printing paper, in sheets and rolls, valued at not more than two and one-quarter cents per pound Free Paper of all kinds, n.o .p . 22~ p.c . Super-calendered or machine finish grades of book paper, not coated, when used exclusively in the production of • magazines, newspapers and periodicals, printed, pub- lished or issued regularly, under regulations prescribed by the IVIinister 22~ p.c . Papeteries, envelopes, and all manufactures of paper, n.o.p. 30 p.c. Peroxide of soda; silicate of soda in crystals or in solution; bichromate of soda; nitrate of soda or cubic nitre, n.o .p .; sulphide of sodium; nitrite of soda; arseniate, binarseni- ate, chlorate, bisulphite and stannate of soda; prussiate of soda and sulphite of soda 15 p.c. Acetic acid, containing by weight more than 65 per centum of acetic acid per pound H~ cts. Surgical dressings, antiseptic or aseptic, including absorb- ent cotton, lint, lamb's wool, tow, jute, oakum, woven fabric of cotton weighing not more than seven and one- half pounds per one hundred square yards, whether imported singly or in combination one with another, but not stitched or otherwise manufactured; surgical trusses and suspensory bandages of all kinds; sanitary napkins, spinal braces and abdominal supports Lamp black, carbon black, ivory black and bone black Printing Ink 25 p.c. Free 17~ p.c . Compounds of tetraethyllead, in which tetraethyllead is the preponderant constituent by weight . 5 p.c. Fire brick containing not less than ninety percent of silica; magnesite fire brick or chrome fire brick; other fire brick valued at not less than one hundred dollars per one thousand, rectangular shaped, the dimensions of each not to exceed one hundred and twenty-five cubic inches, for use exclusively in the construction or repair of a furnace, kiln, or other equipment of a manufacturing establishment Free Fire brick, n.o .p., of a class or kind not made in Canada, for use exclusively in the construction or repair of a fur- nace, kiln, or other equipment of a manufacturing estab- lishment 12~ p.c . , Building brick and paving brick 20 p.c. Flagstone, sandstone and all building stone, not ham- mered, sawn or chiselled, and marble and granite, rough, not hammered or chiselled 12~~ p.c . Marble, sawn or sand-rubbed, not polished; granite, sawn; paving blocks of stone; flagstone and building stone, other than marble or granite, sawn on not more than two sides 20 p.c. 3971 Schedule I-Contin· ued.