Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1989

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-GUATEMALA. 3995 been made public before such bieren publicado antes de su regulations are put into force. entrada en vigor. ARTICLE VIII In the event that the Govern- ment of the United States of America or the Government of the Uepublic of Guatemala es- tablishes or maintains an official monopoly or centralized agency for the importation of or trade in a particular commodity the Gov- ernment establishing or main- taining such monopoly or central- ized agency will give sympathetic consideration to all representa- tions that the other Government may make with respect to alleged discriminations against its com- merce in connection with pur- chases by such monopoly or centralized agency. ARTICLE IX The tariff advantages and other benefits provided for in this Agreement are granted by the United States of America and the Republic of Guatemala to each other subject to the condition that if the Government of either country shall establish or main- tain, directly or indirectly, any form of control of foreign ex- change, it shall administer such control so as to insure that the nationals and commerce of the other country will be granted a fair and equitable share in the allotment of exchange. \Vith respect to the exchange made available for commercial transactions, it is agreed that the Government of each country shall be guided in the administration of any form of control of foreign exchange by the principle that, as nearly as may be determined, the share of the total available exchange which is allotted to the other country shall not be less than the share employed in a previous representative period prior to the establishment of any exchange control for the settle- ment of commercial obligations to the nationals of such· other country. ARTICULO VIII En c~so. de que el Gobierno de erJ~~:TarmstroBot (talk);no~I~~v. 180 RepublIca de Guatemala, 0 el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America, establezca 0 man- tenga monopolio oficial 0 agencia centralizada para 180 importaci6n o venta de determinado articulo el Gobierno que establezca 0 man- tenga tal monopolio 0 agencia centralizada considerara amisto- samente las representaciones que hara el otro Gobierno con res- pecto a las parcialidades alegadas contra su comercio en conexi6n con compras por tal monopolio 0 agencia centralizada. ARTICULO IX La Republica de Guatemala y Control or roreign ex- los Estados Ullidos de America se change. conceden mutuamente las venta- jas de tarifa y demas beneficios estipulados en este Convenio, su- jetos a 180 condicion de que si el Gobiemo de uno u otro pais, directa 0 indirectamente, estable- ciere 0 mantuviere alguna forma de control sobre el cambio extran- jero, administrara tal control en forma que asegure a nacionales y comercio del otro pais garalltia de justa y equitativa parte en las asignaciones del cambio. Respecto 801 cambio aprovecha- ble para transacciones eomercia- les, se aeuerda que, en la admi- nistraci6n de cualquier forma de control de eambio extranjero, se regira el Gobierno de cada pais por el principio de que, hasta donde se pueda estableeer aproxi- madamente, la parte del total de cambio disponible que se asigne 801 otro pais no sera menor que la parte empleada en perfodo repre- sentativo anterior 801 estableci- miento de cualquier control de cambio, para la liquidacion de obligaciones comerciales a favor de nacionales de tal otro pais.