Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1992

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3998 RECIPROCAL TRADE-GUATE~L\'L.\'. Documentation er· rors. ARTICLE XIII There will not be imposed in the United States of America or in the Republic of Guatemala, on importations of articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the other country, greater than nominal penalties because of errors in documentation, made ill the country of export, provided it can be established by the importer or other party in interest to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that the errors were clerical in origin or were made in good faith. Mutual considers· The Government of each coun- Uon with respect to ill d h' customs, etc, try w accor sympat etIC con- sideration to such representations as the other Government may make with respect to the opera- tion of customs regulations, quantitative restrictions or the administration thereof, the ob- servance of customs formalities, Of the application of sanitary laws and regulations for the pro- tection of human, animal, or plant life; and upon request it will afford adequate opportunity for consultation regarding such representations. ARTICLE XIV Provil' to all' Except as otherwise provided ply to Phlllppme Is·. • • lands, etc. m the second paragraph of thIS Article, the provisions of this Agreement relating to the treat- ment to be accorded by the United States of America. or the Republic of Guatemala, respec- tively, to the commerce of the other country, shall not apply to the Philippine Islands, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Island of Guam, or to the Panama Canal Zone. Preferential troa t: Subl' ect to the reservations set ment extended to tern· • • tories, etc" of 1.'3ch forth III the thIrd, fourth, and other. fifth paragraphs, of this Article, the provisions of Article X shall apply to articles the growth, produce or manufacture of any territory under the sover{'ignty or authority of the United States of America or the Republic of Gua- temala, imported from or I ex- \ ARTICULO XIII No se impondran en la Repu- blica de Guatemala ni en los Estados Unidos de America sobre 180 importaci6n de articulos cul- tivados, producidos 0 manufactu- rados en el otro paist sanciones mayores que las nominalrnente establecidas por causa de errores en 180 documentaci6n, hechas en el pais exportador, siempre que pueda establecerse por el importa- dor u otra persona interesada a satisfacci6n de las autoridades de 180 Aduana que esos errores fueron de copia 0 que fueron hechos de buena fe. EI Gobierno de cada pais con- siderara amistosamente las repre- sentaciones que el otro Gobierno pueda hacerle respecto 801 funcio- namiento de las reglamentaciones de aduana, restricciones cuanti· tativas 0 su administracion, ob- servancia de fornlalidades adua· neras y aplicaci6n de leyes sani- tarias y disposiciones para pro- tecci6n de 180 vida humana, animal 0 vegetal; y a solicitud dara amplia oportunidad de con- sulta en relaci6n con tales repre- sentaciones. ARTICULO XIV A excepci6n de 10 estipu1ado en contrario en el pirrafo segundo de este Articulo, las disposiciones del presente Convenio relativas al tratamiento acordado, respec- tivamente, por la Republica de Guatemala 0 por los Estados Unidos de Amc,'ica al comercio del otro pais, nu se aplicaran a las Islas Filipinas, las Islas Vir- genes, 180 Samoa Estadunidense, fa Isla de Guam, ni a 180 Zona del Canal do Panama, Con las reservas establecidas en los parrafos tercero, cuarto y quinto de este Articulo, las estipu- laciones del Articulo X se apli- caran a articulos cultivados, pro- ducidos 0 manufacturados en cualquier territorio bajo 180 sobe- rania 0 nutoridttd de 1ft, R{'publica de G uatemnla 0 de los Estados Unidos de America, y que se