Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/2020

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x INDEX. George, Albert Henry, naval record cor- Page. rected____________________________ 2173 Grant, William E. B ., jurisdiction conferred upon Court of Claims to hear clailll of_ Graves, Charles L., credit in accounts of __ George B. Marx, Inc., jurisdir:tion con- ferred upon Court of Claims to hear Gray, Blanche L., paymcnt to __________ _ claim oL ___________ .. ____________ 2362 Graybill, Joe, payment to _____________ _ George C. Mansfield Co., suit of, author- Grayson, John B., payment to ___ ,______ _ ized against the United States_ _ _ ___ 2148 Great Britain: George Lawley and Son Corp., payment Agrecments with, to_______________________________ 2270 Air navigation ___________________ _ George, Louis, payment to ___ .. _________ 2287 CiviI aircraft, pilot licenses to operate_ Imported aircraft, recognition of air- George Washington National Forest, Va.: Boundary modification_ ______________ 3513 worthiness certificates_ .. _.. _____ _ Great Northern Railway Co., payment to_ Greely, Maj. Gen. Adolphus Washington, Establishment of Big Levels Game Refuge within____ ______ _________ 3448 medal of honor awarded to_ .. ______ _ Germanin C'ltering Company, Inc., pay- ment to ________ .. ________________ _ Germany, agreement with, terminating parts of existing treaty of friendship, commerce, etc ___________________ _ Gettys, Charles A., nil. val record corrected_ Gherwal, Bakha Singh, jurisdiction confer- red upon U. S. District Court to hear claim of_________________________ _ Giblin, C. A ., settlement of claim of _____ _ GibsOll, Grace E., right of the United States to recover losses from _______ _ Giebler, George, paymcnt to __________ _ Gilia, Constantin, payment to __________ _ GUI, Burgo D., payment to ____________ _ GUlotti, Angelo J .• military record cor- rected___________________________ _ Gloves and Mittens, Wool Knit, inerease in rate of duty ___________________ _ Godby, Ann, payment to ______________ _ Goddar«!, Henry 0., certain limitations waived in favor oL _______________ _ Gold Reserve Act of 1934. extension of powers under ___ , _____________ ,.____ Gonzales, Albert, disability claim to be examined ________________________ _ Goodsell, Arthur. See Van Gestel, Arthur. Gorder, Alexander 0., payment to _____ _ Gouaux, Lt. Col. Fernand H., credit ill accounts oL _____________________ _ Gould, Thomas J., payment to ________ _ Grace, Catherine, payment to _________ _ Gracie, Capt. Chester, payment to _____ _ Graesser, Walter M., advancement of, on Navy retired list_________________ _ Gralulld, Otto W., credit in accounts of __ Grand Rapids Water, Light, Power, and Building Commisaion, pay:nent to __ Grand View Hospital, payment to ______ ., GranJo, Eneas, pay.nent to____________ _ Granjo, Isabel, paynv,mt to ____________ _ Granjo, Sophie C., payment to _________ _ Grant Hospital, Chicago, Ill., payment to __ Grant, William, payment to___________ _ 2071 3258 2225 2145 2372 2356 2119 2210 2119 2067 3497 2157 2258 Green, Abraham, payment to __________ _ Greene, James 0., paymcnt to _________ _ Greene, W. H ., payment t·> ._ " ____ ____ __ _ Greenspan, Isidor, paymcnt to ________ _ Griffin, W. II ., settlement of claim of. __ _ Griffith, Henry Harrison, disability claim to be cxamined ___________________ _ Griffith, Tom L., payment to ___________ _ Grigsby, John, Bcttlement of claim oL __ _ Grist, James W., provisions of Employecs' Compensation Act extcnded to _____ _ Groff, Dr. Chester C., license granted to-_ Grooms, Myrtle T., payment to ________ _ Grubham, Lt. M . T., paymcnt to ______ _ Guatemala, reciprocal trade agrcemcnL __ Guertin, Henry L., payment to_________ _ Guiry Brothers Wall Paper and Paint Co., payment to ______________________ _ Gunther, Chris, paymcnt to ___________ _ Gustin, May c., payment to .. __ __ __ __ __ _ G. W. McNear, Inc., paymcl't to _______ _ H 3489 Hagerty, Daniel J., paymellt to ________ _ Haiti: 2345 Reciprocal trade agreement- _, . _______ _ Withdrawal of military forces, modifiC<\- 2119 tion of agreemellL _____________ _ Hale, Yvonne, payment to _____________ _ 2358 Halla, Maj. Carl, credit in accounts oC __ 2095 2134 Hallowell, George W., Jr., payment to __ 2275 Halpin, Elizabeth M., payment to ______ _ Halstead, EIi?:abeth. payment. to _______ _ 2292 Hamilton, Charles E., jurisdiction COll- 2136 Cerred up()n Court of Claims to hear claim of_________________________ _ 2251 Hamilton, Hester, payl~iCnt to_________ _ 2245 Hamilton, John C., payment ttL _______ _ 2078 Hamley, Maizee, credit for dual eompen- 2078 Ration allowed ____________________ _ 2078 Hamlin, Hannibal: 2265 Acceptance of statue of ____ .. ________ _ 2119 Printing of proceedings at unveiling _ Page. 2208 2064 2144 2073 2169 3720 3731 3652 2337 2048 2248 2084 2171 2088 2372 2079 2181 2372 2347 2045 2267 2229 3989 2083 2210 2119 2174 2150 2350 3737 3650 2085 2074, 2136 2213 2068 2262 2209 2049 2137 2296 2380 2381