Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/2022

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.. XU Hughes, Mayme, payment to __________ _ Humphrey, John D., naval record ('or- rected___________________________ _ Hundley, Daniel H., payment to _______ _ Hunter, John N., cred\t in accounts oL __ _ Hursey) Frank, settlement of claim oL __ _ Hurston, John, payment to guardian of __ Huston, Oliver B., Anne, Jane, and Har- riet, payment to__________________ _ Hutchinson, Robert D., military reeord corrected________________________ _ Hyde, Caroline M., payment to ________ _ I Imbesi, Clara and Domenick, proVIsIOns of Employees' Compensation Act extended to ______________________ _ Inaugural Comntittee, appointment au- thorized _______________ ., ___ ___ ___ _ Income Tax, Double, relief from, agree- ment with Belgium _______________ _ Indiana Limestone Corp., payment to___ _ Ingmire, Bertha, payment to ___________ _ Innis, Capt. Carl M., payment to ________ _ Inter-American Conciliation Convention, additional protocoL _______________ _ International Air 1'ransportation, lllulti- latera! conventiol1 _________________ _ International Institute of Agriculture, protocol to convention creating _____ _ International Labor Organization, partici- pation of United States in__________ _ International Mercantile Marine Co., payment to______________________ _ International Telecommunication Con- vention, radio regulations, allel Final Radio Prot-JcoL .. ________________ _ Investigation of Expenditures for Cotton Cooperatives, etc., additional copies of hearings ordered _______________ _ Iraq, extradition treaty with ____________ _ Irwin, James W., settlement of claim (.L_ Israel, Moses, payment to _____________ _ Istaosapa. See Pan, Lucy. Italy: Arrerican citizens admonished to ab- .>tair. from tra\'el on vessels oL ___ _ Revocation ______________________ _ Prohibition on exportation of arml', etc., INDEX. Page. 2130 Jaeckel, Barbara, payment to __________ _ Page. 2322 2120 2157 2226 2196 2355 2372 2288 2154 2058 2351 3871 2321 2055 2236 3185 3000 3350 2712 2256 2387 3380 2372 2106 3476 3528 James Akeroyd and Co., payment to. _ __ Jarrette, Harry, payment to ________ - __ _ Jay Street Terminal, New York, adjust- ment of claim____________________ _ 2060 Jeanmonod, E., payment to._ _ __ _ . _. _____ 2153 Jeffers, Walter K., payment to__________ 2235 Jefferson National Forest, Va., cstablh;h- ment of ________________________ - - 3506 Jenkins, Ruble L., land patent grm,ted to_ 2343 Jenkinso William L., credit in aceollnts of _ 2056 Jenks, Royal G., credit in accounts oi _ 2138,2237 Jenney, Edwin C., payment to_ ______ ___ 2134 Jennings, E. H ., credit in accounts of. _ _ _ 2172 Jennings, M. E ., payment to _______ 2119,2196 Jensen, Hans Peter, payment to _ _______ 2272 Jensen, Johannes F., presentatiun of medal authorized________________________ 2293 Jermark, E. W ., credit in accounts oL ___ _ Jeronirnus, Charles D., na'-al record cor- rected; refund to _________________ _ J. H . Taylor and Son, payment to _______ _ Jobson, Clarence F., summoned bpfore rc- tiring board, etc __________________ _ Jochemczyk, Joseph, payment to _______ _ Johnson, A. D ., payment to ____________ _ Johnson, Albert M., land patent granted to______ '. _______________________ _ Johnson, AndrElw, payment to _________ _ Johnson, Blanchard, credit in accounts of_ Johnson, Charles G., payment to _______ _ Johnson, Jose~h S., payment to ________ _ Johnson, William T., credit in ae('"ullts of _ Johnston, Tess H., payment to _________ _ Johnstone, Evelyn Harriett B., pay mcnt to ______________________________ _ Jones, Claude D., payment to _________ _ Jones, George W., payment to _________ _ Jones, H. D ., payment to _____________ _ Jones, J. A,., payment to ______________ _ Jones, Rufus, payment to guan1jan of ___ _ Jotter, Evelyn, certain limitations waived infavor oL___________ .___________ _ Joullian, Mrs. J. A ., payment to _______ _ J. R . and J. A . Whelan, Inc., payment to trustee oL _______________________ _ Judd, G. M., paymcnt. to ____ .. ____ _____ _ Jumer, John A., payment to ___________ _ Justice, Department of, paymellt to widows 2317 2226 2280 2203 2272 2196 2159 2348 2124 2:312 2119 2080 2151 2346 2053 2119 2119 2237 2182 2113 2285 2188 2151 2089 to _________________________ 34i4,3·198 of certain officers of Dh-ision of In- Revocation ____ . _________ . ________ 3527 vestigation _______________________ _ Ivey, Fred M., settlement of claim oC ___ 2:372 J. W . Bliley Co., payment to_________ ., __ J K Jackson, Anna, payment to____________ _ 2143 Kaiser, Jacob, payment to ____________ _ Jacobson, Albert H., payment to _______ _ 2370 Karg, Edward H., payment to _________ _ Jacques, R. D ., adjustment of claim ____ _ 2059 Kastle, Carl A., payment to ___________ _ 2156 2179 2330 2220 2196