Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/2034

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• XXIV INDEX. Turner, George W., homestead entry Page. vruidated_________________________ 2343 Turner, S. E ., payment to______________ 2367 Turpin. Luther M. and Amanda, quit- claim deed executed. to_____________ 2097 Twitchell. William F •• appointment as lieu- tenant on retired list, Navy, author- ized ___________________________ ._ 2249 U Underwood, Joseph Y., payment to estate of________________________________ 2208 Union or Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreements with, respectmg- Commercial relatioDB_______________ 3805 Execution of letters rogatory________ 3840 United States Constitution Sesquicenten- nial Commisalon. correction in bill relating to __ , ___ ___ ___ __ ____ _______ 2388 United States Naval Academy. Md•• pay- ment of claims for extra labor_______ 2201 United States Obligations. extending time for offering and acceptance as col- lateral security for Federal Reserve not~_____________________________ 3437 United States Shipping Board Bureau, payment by, to owners of certain lands in Brooklawn, N. J ___________ 2147 Universal Postal.convention____________ 2741 University or Tennessee Alumni Associa- tion. payment to___________________ 2251 Utah Gllsonite Co.. right to use certain water well granted to_______________ 2102 v Valentine. Franeis B.. adjustment in accounts of_______ - - __ - ___________ _ Valentino. Vito. payment to ____________ _ Van Gestel, Arthur. military record COI'- rected___________________________ _ Van's Battery and Eledric Company, Inc., paymentto______________________ _ VaslIzevic. Nick. payment to legal guardian of_______________________________ _ Vaqhn. Thomas R •• settlement of claim of Vermont Transit Co., Inc•• payment to __ _ Vessels. assistance to and aalvageof, treaty with ~cxico ___ ~------------------ Vestal. S. C •• paym~t to ______________ _ Vinson and Pringle, payment to______ .__ _ Virginia: Big Levels Game Refuge, establishment of_____________________________ _ George Washington National Forest, boundary modification ___________ _ Jefferson NatiDnal Forest, establishment 2137 2094 2314 2059 2161 2372 2250 3359 2120 2317 3448 3513 Virginia Engineering Co. (Ine.), jurisdic- Page. tion conferred upon Court of Claims to hear claim oL__________________ 2257 Virgin Islands: Establishment of separate sugar-proc- essing tax fund fOf_______________ 3400 Extending time for establishing shipping service _____________________ 3414,3469 Voeltz. George. payment to_ .__ ________ __ 2141 VonGroning. Helena C. and Stephan. pay- mentto __________________________ 2230 Von Thomas. Mrs. Carlysle, Senior, pay- ment to______________ . __ __ _____ __ 2122 W Wachendorf, Clarence, payment to______ 2074 Wade, F. T ., payment to_______________ 2151 Wagner, E. D ., payment to_____________ 2151 Wagner, T. H ., payment to_____________ 2316 Wakeman, P. A ., payment to___________ 2120 Wales Island Packing Co., payment to__ 2269 Walker, Dr~ Arthur B., license granted to_ 2224 Walker, Israel, payment to heirs oL_____ 2306 Walker, John, payment to______________ 2325 Walker, Mrs. Amber, payment to________ 2225 Wallace. Harry, payment to_____________ 2289 Wallin, Emanuel, payment to___________ 2106 Waimsley. Harry B., military record cor- rected____________________________ 2067 Walsh. Maj. Arthur 0., credit in accounts oL______ ·_______ .:. _____________ 2137,2236 Walter, Floyd L., payment to___________ 2127 Walter J. Bryson Paving Co.• payment to_ 2144 Walter Motor Truck C9mpuy, :kne., pay- ment to__________________________ 2104 War Department: Claims of military person'lcl for dam- ages, etc., to private property inci- dent to training, etc., of Army ______ 2083, 2118,2196 Credit in accounts of certain disbursing ofllcers_ 2063,2074,2080,2118,2135,2236 New Hampshire National Guard, pay- ment of claims of certain members of______________________________ 2241 Panama Canal Department, Quarry Heights, C. Z ., credit in accounts of finance officer_______________ .. __ _ 2138 Ward Funeral Home, payment. to________ 2246 Warner, Leo V., adjustment in accounts___ 2137 Washington Navy Yard, D. C ., payment of claims for extrs. Jabor_______________ 2201 Washington Post Co., payment to_______ 2092 Watkins, Joseph, payment to___________ 2342 Watrous, Maj. Lee n., credit in accounts of________________________________ 2142 Watson, George N., credit in accounts of_____________________________ _ 3506 of_______________________ 2080,2081,2135