Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/327

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74TH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CH.717. JUNE 22,1936. 2343 (CHAPTER 717.1 AN ACT lune 22, 1936. VaJidating certain applications for and entries of public lands, and for other ---.-:=:,-[H~';..,.R_.=47;--<Y1-i.l-=::-;-_ purposes. [PrIvate, No. 669 .) Be it enacted by the Senate and H0U8e of Rep1'esentati'IJe8 of the United State8 of America in Oongre88 as8embled, That the Secre- ~~!~a~Irowed for tary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed designated entries. to ISSUe a patent under the homestead entry of Ashel E. Caldwell, ~~t:!:t.C;d'.JdweJ1. Salt Lake City 04:8547, for northwest quarter of northeast quarter, section 36, townshi,P 1 south, range 1 east, Uintah special meri~ian.1 Utah, upon complIance by Ashel E. Caldwell with the homeswaa laws of the United States: Provided, That in addition to the usual ~c:'~h~:'leprice. fees and commissions payable under existing laws, said entryman shall pay the sum of $1.25 per acre for the land so entered, which latter sum shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States and disposed of in the same manner as other proceeds derived from the sale of lands within the former Uintah Indian Reservation, etah. SEO. 2 . The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and John ~'. Dillon. 1)(,sert·land. directed to allow John S. Dillon of Portland, Oregon, to make desert-land entry for west half of northwest 9.uarter, northwest quarter of southwest quarter, S(~ctj()n ~O, townshIp 18 south, range 44 east, 'Villamette meridian, The Dalles, Oregon. SEC. 3. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and fr:;J?:S~~·. directed to accept the final proof submitted on October 22t 1930, on behalf of Joe Draper by his mother ancI guardian, Sarah ~. Draper, in support of the homestead entry of .Joe Draper, Phoenix 063049, as amended, for south half, section 27 and lots 1, 2, and 3, southeast quarter of northwest quarter, west half of northwest quarter, north half of southwest quarter, section 3:3, township 14 south, range 12 (~ast, Gila and Salt River meridian, Arizona, and to issue patent for the entry in regular course. SEO. 4 . The homestead entry, Cass Lake 014741, made by Joseph {FonrTarmstroBot (talk)ham. Burnham on October 15, 1928, for southeast quarter of northwest quarter, section 20, township 144 north, range 34 west, fifth prin- cipal meridian, Minnesota, IS hereby validated, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to accept the final proof submitted by Joseph Burnham in support of said homestead entry on December 20, 1933, and to issue patent for the entry in regular course. SEO. 5. The homestead entry of George W. Turner, Santa Fe nTarmstroBot (talk)t!~;I:rllrn('r. 063896, for south half of south, section 9, and north hal!l section 21, township 1 south, range 20 east, New Mexico meridian, .New Mexico, allowed October 27, 1931, pursuant to an application filed April 16, 1931, is hereby validated. SEo.6 . The homestead entry, Cheyenne 052273, made by Ruble L. n~~!.:;;I\~fDkillS. Jenkins on January 27, 1931, for ea.<;t half of northeast quarter and northeast quarter of southeast quarter, section 19, and southwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 20, township 6 north, range 2 east, Wind River meridian, Wyoming, within the Shoshone Indian Reservation, is hereby validated, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to accept the final proof submItted by Ruble L. Jenkins in support of said homestead entry, and to issue patent for the entry in regular course. Approved, June 22, 1936.