Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/348

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2364 74TH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS. 829, 853. JUNE 25, 26, 1936. [CHAPTER 829.1 AN ACT June 25, 193ft. ., C (H. R .12144.] For the relief of the Federal Enameling and Stampmg ompany. (Private, No. 714.] Federal EJWIl~llng Whereas Federal Enameling and Stamping Company, a corporation

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organized and existing under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, Preamble. was the owner of a plant and property, located in McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, the temporary use and occupancy whereof was taken for the public use by the United States on September 13, 1918, under Army requisition numbered 738 B/C, ordinance numbered 609; and Whereas the War Department Board of Appraisers, by its award numbered 634, under date of February 18, 1919, awarded to the said Federal Enameling and Stamping Company, in just compen- sation for the use and occupancy of said plant and property and the damages arising out of the taking thereof as aforesaid, the sum of $12,847.19; and Whereas said Federal Enameling and Stamping Company, under date of September 13, 1919, certdied that said award was not satis- factory and did not accept the same in full payment of the claim arising out of the taking of said property by virtue of said requisi- tion, and demanded payment of 75 per centum thereof as provided Vol. 40 , p. 276. in section 12 of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the national security and defense, and so forth", known as the Food and Fuel Act, approved August 10 1917, and reserved the right to prosecute any further claim it might have against the United States arising out of the taking of its said property; and Whereas in compliance with said demand the Government of the United States paid to said Federal Enameling and Stamping Com- pany on April 2, 1919, the sum of $9,635.39 and retained the balance of said award, to wit the sum of $3,211.80; and Whereas said Federal Enameling and Stamping Company did not prosecute any further claim against the United States, and the United States has not paid the aforesaid balance of $3,211.80: Therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and H0U8e of Representatives of the d Paymeut of balance United States 01 America itn Oongress assembled, That the Secretary ue. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $3,211.80 to the Federal Enameling and Stamping Company, the balance due under award numbered 634 by the War Department Board of Appraisers, which award was made in order to compen- sate said Federal Enameling and Stamping Company for the use of its property by the United States and damages arising therefrom. June 26, 193ft. (8.1146.] [Private, No. 715.) Michael D&1ton. Payment to. Approved, June 25, 1936. {CHAPTER 853.] AN ACT For the relief of Michael Dalton. Be it e'lUlCted by the Senate and House 01 Representatives of tM United States 01 America in Oongress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1,000 to Michael Dalton in full settlement of all claims against the Government of the United States for injuries received by said Michael Dalton on November 14, 1930, when he was struck by a United States mail truck at Third Street and Massachusetts