Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/357

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74TH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CBS. 879, 880. JUNE 29, 1936. 2373 All such claims allowed shall be payable under the appropriation Funds available. otherwise available for such expenditures for the fiscal year in which the obligation was incurred: Provided, That there shall be a sufficient Pr ApOl1Uo. i tl • '1hI d h . . I hI' h'h propr a on .0 sum aval a e un er sue appro,l>rlatlOn to sett e sue e alDlS w IC meet any deftcieDcy. may be found allowable; otlierwlse, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherrise approprIated, a sufficient sum of money to meet the difference. SEC. 2 . In case the!-'e has been heretofo e withheld or deducted from ber:=~~ts~t with- any amounts otherWIse payable out of Government funds to any per- son hereinabove named any amount on account of any item paid or allowed for transportation charges in connection with the transfer and assignment hereinabove referred to, the Comptroller General of the United States is authorized and directed to pay, in accordance with the same provisions as outlined in section 1, to such person a sum equal to the amount so withheld or deducted. SEC. 3. Each person named in section 1 of this Act is hereby rroTarmstroBot (talk) 14:55, 19 November 2014 (UTC)iabTarmstroBot (talk) released from any liability to refund or pay to the Government, or refund. otherwise discharge, any item paid or allowed for transportation char~ in connection WIth the transfer and assignment referred to in such section, ana no deductions on account of any such item shall be made from any amount due or payable out of Government funds to any such person. Approved, June 29, 1936. [CHAPTER 880.1 JOINT RESOLUTION J nne 29, 1113e. To correct errors in the enrollment of Private Act Numbered 349, Seventy-fourth -;;;c.:;.[s;..:;'J..;,:'Ree=. -:=;lM;.=.:']!:=-: - Congress, approved August 29,1935, and to clarify the duties of the Comptroller IPrlv. Res., No.7.) General in connection with tlaid Act. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representative8 of the United States of America in Oongre8s a8semoled, That section 3 of Private bo~,~vi°~.:.:aJ:i Act Numbered 349, Seventy-fourth CongressJ approved August 29, stTarmstroBot (talk) 14:55, 19 November 2014 (UTC)YB' serviceI 1935, be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out the AfItt, p. 2202. . numerals "10" wherever they appear therein and inserting in lieu thereof the numerals "20". SEC. 2 . That the payments authorized in section 3 of the said Act X£~ w. De- to be made to the "attorney or attorneys who performed services P8ymentrorl!6rvJ(lee. toward securing provision for the payment herein of the amounts so found" shall be made to Clarence W. DeKnight, for services ren- dered before the committees of Congress and executive officers of the Government during the period of twenty years prior to and includ- ing the date of approval of said Act, III connection with securing authority for payment of the findings of the Court of Claims therein enumerated: PrO'Vided, That such payment of 10 per centum shall ~_no'o'her be participated in by such other attorney or attorneys, if any, who, att<JnleYI. in addition to having appeared in the Court of Claims.1 shall have rendered services as above described during said periOd, such par- ticipation to be in proportion to the value and extent of services so rendered as determined by the Comptroller General of the United States, to whom all claims for participation in said 10 per centum shall be presented within thirty days from the date of approval of this Act. Approved, June 29, 1936.