Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/393

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TELECOMMUNICATIOX CONVENTION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. (5) The amounts advanced by the government supervising the Bureau of the Union must be refunded by the debtor governments with the briefest possible delay, and, at the latest, at the end of the fourth month following the month during which the account was rendered. After this period, the amounts due shall bear interest, accruing to the creditor government, at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum, counting from the date of expiration of the above-men- tioned period. 2409 § 4. The Bureau of the Union shall be placed under the high supervision of the Goyernment of the Swiss Confederation which shall regulate its organization, supervise its finances, make the neces- sary advances, and h'ldit the annual accounts. BUTeau supervision. CHAPTER II CONFERENCES ARTICLE 18 007ljerences oj Plenipotentiaries and Administrative Oonferences §1 Th '. fhe' hIIb b' PJenipotcntiaries:.r .d , e prOVISIOnS 0 t e present onventIOn s a e su Ject to Ad!llini~tTll!he. revision by conferences of plenipotentiaries of the contracting gov- ernments, § 2 Revision of the Convention shall be undertaken when it has . RC\'bion or ('ooun- •. tlOn. been so decided by a preceding conference of plenipotentiaries, or when at least twenty contracting governments have so stated their desire to the government of the country in which the Bureau of the Union is located. § 3. The provisions of the Regulations annexed to this Convention (·f i(e~alatio[)". shall be subject to revision by administrative conferences of dele- gates from the contracting governments which have approved the Regulations to be revised, each conference itself determining the place and time for the following meeting. § 4. Each administrative conference may permit the participation, l':trti<'ipants. in an advisory capacity, of private operating agencies recognized by the respective contracting governments. ARTICLE 19 Ohange oj Date oj a Oonjerence § 1. The time set for the meeting of a conference of plenipoten- da~~langin!( f'On(eTPOPe tiaries or of an administrativo conference may be advanced or post- ponedif request to this effect is made by at least ten of the contracting governments to the government of the country in which the Bureau of the Union is located, and if such proposal is agreed to by the ma- jority of the contracting governments which shall have forwarded their opinion within the time indicated. § 2. The conference shall then be held in the country originally designated, if the government of that country consents. Otherwise, the contracting governments shall be consulted through the govern- ment of the country in which the Bureau of the Union is located.