Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/449

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TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. 2465 i I II, i II I I I I: i i I ALLOCATION OF FREQUENCY BANDS BETWEEN 10 AND 60,000 KC (30,000 .AND 5 M)-Continued SERVICES Frequencies Wave- I lengths Regional agreements General allocation kc m I European region Other regions i 1,500-1,715 200-174.9 1,500-1,530 (200- (a) Fixed (11) 196.1) (b) Mobile (If) (a) Fixed (b) Mobile, Al and A2 only 1,530-1,630 } (196.1 -184) (l~) Mobile Al,A2, A3 1,630-1,670 ( 184-179.6) Maritime mo- (II) I bile calling wave (A3 only) 1,670-1,715 (179.6- 174.9) Maritime mobile (A3 only) 1,715-2,000 174.9 -150 1,715-1,925074.9 - (a) Amateur 155.8) (b) Fixed (a) Amateur (c) Mobile I (b) Fixed I, (c) Mobile I I 1,925-2,000 (155.8- - 150) I (a) Amateur

I (b) Maritime mobile (A3 , i I I only) i , , I [8'] II The frequency 1,650 kc (182 m) is a calling-wave for the mobile r::.diotelevhone scrvico with low- power ship stations. This calling-wave shall not be obligatory and the date on which It shall becomo obligatory for each country shall be determined by Inttlrnal regulation. [88] U In prinCiple, this frequency band shall be reserved for telephone servictl with low-power ship stations. The countries of Europe whose ships do not use this type of communication shall avoid, so!:!r as pos~ible, the use of telegraphy in this band in regions near those where this telephone service is carried on. [,g] II No traffic may be carried on in the band 1,630 to 1,670 kc (184 to li9.6 m). [eo] Calling on the \\'ave of 1,650 kc (182 m) shall not be obligatory; each country shall determine, by internal regulation, when it shall become effective. [QI] II Within Europe, the frequency bands 1,530 to 1,f.30 kc and I,C'O to 1,715 kc (lfif..l to 184 m and 179.6 to 174.9 m) may be used by short-distance fixed scn'!ces, llrovifled they do not inter!c~e with mobile services. [II] NOTE. - A European conference, which Is to take place before the going Into effect of the present Heg· ulations, may, as an exception, decide on IlJJnexing to its protocol some of the derogations wblch it P.lay decide to make in the regional bands and Which it may deem necessary to show therein. Such dero;:ations will be in addition to those which nre already provided for in the abo\"c table. Tables-Continued.