Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/477

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TELECOMMU~ICATION CONVEN"TION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. ARTICLE 14 Gall Signals [201] § 1. (1) All stations open to the international service of public correspondence, as well as private experimental stations, amateur stations, and private radio-communication stations, must have call signals from the international series assigned to each country in the following table. In this table, the first letter or the first two letters of the call signals show the nationality of the stations. [202] (2) When a fixed station in the international service uses more than one frequency, each frequency shall be designated by a separate call signal used for that frequency only. [203] TABLE OF ALLOCATION OF CALL LETTERS SIGNALS COUNTRY CALL SIGNALS ~ COUNTRY CALL -1-1---1-1 I Chile ............. . Canada ........... . Cuba ............. . Morocco .......... . Cuba •............. Bolivia ............ . Portuguese Colonies . Portugal .......... . Uruguay .......... . Canada •........... Germany .......... . Spain ...• ... ....... Irish Free State ..... Republic of Liberia .. Persia ••........... Estonia ........... . Ethiopia .......... . Saar Territory...... . France and Colonies I and Protectorates .. Great Britain ...... . Hungary .......... . Swiss Confederation . Ecuador .......... . Republic of Haiti .. . Dominican Republic. Republic of Colombia. CAA-CEZ CFA-CKZ CLA-CMZ CNA-CNZ COA-COZ CPA-CPZ CQA-CRZ CSA-CUZ CVA-CXZ CYA-CZZ D EAA-EHZ EIA-EIZ ELA-ELZ EPA-EQZ ESA-ESZ ETA-ETZ EZA-EZZ F G HAA-HAZ HBA-HBZ HCA-HCZ HHA-HHZ HIA-HIZ HJA-HKZ Republic of Panama. Republic of H ond uras. Siam ............. . Vatican City State .. . IIedjaz ............ . Italy and Colonies .. . Japan ............. . United States of America ......... . Norway ........... . RepUblic of Argen- tina •............ Luxembourg ....... . Lithuania ......... . Bulgaria .......... . Great Britain ...... . United States of HPA-HPZ HRA-HRZ HSA-HSZ HVA-HVZ HZA-HZZ I J LOA-LWZ LXA-LXZ LYA-LYZ LZA-LZZ M America .......... N Peru............... OAA-OCZ Austria ............ OEA-OEZ Finland............ OFA-OHZ Czechoslovakia ..... OKA-OKZ Belgium and Colonies. ONA-OTZ Denmark........... OUA-OZZ Netherlands........ PAA-PIZ Cura~ao............ PJA-PJZ Dutch East Indies ... J I~KA-POZ BraziL......... .... PPA-PYZ Call signals. 2493