Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/527

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TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. [4t~] (b) for stations on board aircraft for which radio- telegraph equipment is not made compulsory by international agree- 2543 ments, an operator holding a special certificate covering the conditions . Ante, p. 24S7. contained in article 10, D, § 6 (1); [46D] (c) for stations on board aircraft equipped with a low-power radiotelephone installation, an operator holding a radio- telephone operator's certificate covering the conditions contained in article 10, E, § 7. ARTICLE 24 Order oj Priority oj Communications in the Mobile Service [~7°1 The order of priority of radio communications in the mobile M~gn!,m~:!~ons in service shall be as follows: Order oCpriority. 1. distress calis, distress messages, and distress traffic; 2. communications preceded by an urgent signal; 3. communications preceded by a safety signal; 4. communications relative to radio direction-finding bearings; 5. government radiotelegrams for which priority right has not been waived; 6. all other communications. ARTICLE 25 Indication oj the Station oj Origin oj Radiotelegrams [ 471] § 1 When the name of a station due to similarity of names is In~i~Btion of sta:itJlI • , , of ong:n. followed by the call signal of that station, that signal shall be sepa- rated from the name of the station by a fraction bar. Example: Oregon/OZOC (and not Oregonozoc); Rose/DDOR (and not Roseddor). [~72] § 2. When reforwarding, over the communication channels of the general network, a radiotelegram received from a mobile sta- tion, the land station shall transmit, as the origin, the name of the mobile station where the radiotelegram originated, as that name is shown in the nomenclatur~ followed by the name of the said land station. [473] § 3. If it deems advisable, the land station may complete the indication of the mobile station of origin by the word" ship", or "air- craft", or "dirigible" placed before the name of the said station of origin, for the purpose of avoiding any confusion with a telegraph office or a fixed station having the same name. ARTICLE 26 . Routing oj Radiotelegrams FH] § 1. (1) As a general rule, a mobile station using type-A2, -A3, tel15:24, 19 November 2014 (UTC)gOrrBdi"­ or -B waves within the band 365 t0515 kc (822 to 583m) shall send its radiotelegrams to the nearest land station. In order to accelerate or