Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/663

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COMMERCE AND CONSULAR RIGHTS-FINLAND. FEB . 13, 1934. 2679 in~ the appointment of an ad- mInistrator and until letters of administration have been granted, be deemed qualified to take charge of the property left by the decedent for the preservation and protection of the same. Such consular officer shall have the right to be appointed as adminis- trator within the discretion of a tribunal or other agency control- ling the administration of estates provided the laws of the place where the estate is administered so permit. In case of the death of a na- tional of either of the High Con- tracting Parties ",ithout will or testament and without any known heirs resident in the country of his decease, the consular officer of the country of which the de- ceased was a national shall be appointed administrator of the estate of the deceased, provided the regulations of his own Govern- ment permit such ap{>ointment and provided such appomtment is not In conflict with local law and the tribunal having jurisdiction has no special reasons for ap- pointing someone else. Whenever a consular officer accepts the office of administra- tor of the estate of a deceased countryman l he subjects himself as such to the jurisdiction of the tribunal or other agency making the appointment for all necessary purposes to the same extent as a national of the country where he was appointed. ARTICLE XXVII Each of the High Contracting Parties agrees to permit the entry free of all duty and with- out examination of any kind, of all furniture, equipment and sup- plies intended for official use m the consular offices of the other, and to extend to such consular officers of the other and their families and suites as are its na- tionals, the privilege of entry free of duty of their baggage and all other personal property, whether accompanying the officer to his annettu, ottamaan vainajalta iaa- neen omaisuuden sailytettavak. seen ja suojeltavakseen. Konsu- lilla on oleva oikeus, tuomioistui- men tai omaisuuden hoitoa val· vovan muun laitoksen harkin- nan mukaan, tulla maaratlksi pesanhoitajaksi, mikali sen paikan lait, missa omaisuutta hoidetaan, sen sallivat. Toisen Korkean Sopimuspuolen Al!~intment of, as k1. k11 . ;,: 11_' ... . administrator. ansa alsen uo essa l~lSaa- dosta jattamatta ja vallia ketiian tunnettua perilllsta siina maasss, missa han kuolee, on sen maan konsulivirkamies, jonka kansalai· nen vainaja oli, maarattavahanen kuolinpesansa hoitajaksi, sikall kuin hanen oman hallituksensa maaraykset sen sallivat ja sikali kuin tallainen maarays ei ole ristiriidassa paikallisten lakien kanssa eika asianomaisella tuo· mioistuimella ole erikoisia syita jonkun toisen maaraamiseen. Milloin konsulivirkamies ottaa Status. vastaan kuolleen maarumehensa pesanhoitajan tehtavan, alistuu han siina asemassa tuomioistui- men tai muun hanet siksi maaran- neen laitoksen tuomiovallan alai- seksi samassa maann kuin sen maan kansalainen, missa han on saanut maarayksensa. XXVII ARTIKLA Kumpikin Korkea Sopimuspuo- Free entry or uffioo Ii suostuu piiastamaan maahan supplies. etc. tullitta ja ilman minkaanIaists tarkastusta toisen Sopimuspuo- len konsulivirastojen virkakayt- toon aiotut huonekalut, valineet ja tarveaineet seka ulottamaan tullivapauden toisen Sopimuspuo- len konsulivirkamiesten ja hei- dan perheidensa ja seurueidensa, sikali kuin he ovat taman omia kansalaisia, matkatavaroihin ja kaikkeen muuhun henkilokohtai- seen omaisuuteen, joka tuodaan