Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/67

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74TH CONGRESS. SESS. I . eHS.272-274. JFNE 17,1935. 2083 "All those certain lots, pieces, or parcels of land, together with all Dl'S{·ription. buildings thereon, situate, lying, and being in the city of Arcadia, county of Los Angeles, and State of CalIfornia, and particuhrly described as follows, to wit: Lot 4 of tract numbered 949 as delineated upon the map of said tract recorded in book 17 of maps, at page 13, records of Los Angeles County, and lots 3, 4 5, and 6 of tract num- bered 2409 as delineated upon the map of said tract, recorded in book 23 of maps, at page 23, records of Los Angeles County. The land intended to be conveyed by this deed is bounded on the north by Falling Leaf Avenue, ~n the east of Santa Anita Avenue, on t~le south by Huntington DrIve and by land now owned by: Clara Baldwlll Stocker, and on the west by the rights-of-way of Pacific Electric Railroad Company and Southern Pacific Railroad Company, and being all of the land claimed or owned by the grantor within the exterior bounds of Arcadia balloon field." Approved, June 17, 1935. [CHAPTER 273.J AN ACT For the reliE:f of John E. Click. June 17, 19.'l5. [H. H . 2466.] [Priv:lie'-No:9Q.j Be if e'rlacf~d by tile Senate and House of ReprI'8l'nfaN'lJf!s of the United States of America in Cong1'e88 a88embled, That John E. J~}hn.E. Click. CI'kI'fIkfhd ., . ffifIAlkD'.. (redlt for transport- .IC,Cue cer 0 teaministrahve0 ce0 tIe as a lYlSlOn, ing personal eiJects ai- Bureau of Indian Afl'airs, with headquarters now at Juneau, Alaska, lowed. is hereby relieved of reimbursing the Lnited States for credit to the appropriation "Education of natives of Alaska, 1930-1931 ", the sum of $261.82 paid to the Alaska Steamship Company, of Seattle, 'Vashington, from said appropriation for transporting his personal and household goods from Seattle, Washington, to JUD~au, Alaska, upon permanent change of station, under an authorization issued by the Department of the Interior. Approved, June 17, 1935. [CHAPTER 274.J AN ACT June 17, 193.5 . To authorizc the settlement of individual claims of military personncl for damages _ lIl~B:y\J8·t_ to and loss of private property incident to the training, practice, operation, [Prinlte, No. 91.] or maintenance of the Army. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepresentatiN's of tIle United .~ta.fes of A'1lwrlca .in Oongre88 a88e~nbled, Th~t the General ~:w~ineut or indi- Accountmg Office be, and IS herehy, authorIzed and dIrected to pay vi<1ual claims (or ~am­ the following claims of military personnel and civilian employees TarmstroBot (talk)·~;~t~.ssesOfPrtvato in the amounts shown which have been approved and recommended for payment by the Secretary of 'Val', for damages to, and loss of, privat~ property of such personnel incident to the training, praetice, operatIOn, or maintenance of t~e .Army, and that snch payments be made from the present apprOprIatIOn of the 'Val' Department entitled "Claims for damages to and loss of private propt'rty ": E. M . Bur- ed~hifll:ll1tS dl\Si. , : nat, · nett, captain, Eighth Regiment United States Cavalry, $17.70; Haskell H. Cleaves, first lieut~nant, Signal Corps, U nitc(l States Infantry, $6; James H. Crawley, master sergeant, Air Corps, Unih'd Stat~s Army, $8; Henry L. Guertin, first sergeant, Company C, First Regiment United States Engineers. $25; Oliver L. Spict'l", civilian employee, $35; Charles P. Sugg, staff sergeant, Seventy-third Pur- suit Squadron, Air Corps, United States Army, $13; and Teel D. 'Yhitton, sergeant, Second Ammunition Train, United States Army, $~2.40. Approved, June 17, 1935.