Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/726

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2742 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MAHCH 20, 1934. Table of Contents- CHAPI'rRE IV CHAPTER IV Continued. Du Burean 'international. Art. 24. Attributions generales. 25. Depenses du Bureau international. TrrRE II REGLES D'ORDRE Gl~N1!:RAL. Clf Al'I 'rHE lJXIQVE 26. Liberte de transit. 27. Interdiction de taxes non prevues. 28. Suspension temporaire de services. 29. Monnaie-type. 30. Equivalents. 31. Formules. Langue. 32. Cartes d'identite. TrrRJ" III DISPOSITIOXH COXCERX AXT LES CORRESPONDANCES POSTALES. CUAPI'rRE I Dispositions generales. 33. Ohjets de corresfJondance. 34. Taxes et conditions generales. 35. Affranchissement. 36. Taxe en cas d'absence ou d'insuffi- sance d'affranchissement. 37. Surtaxes. 38. Taxes spcciales. 39. Objets passibles de droits de douane. 40. Contro\e douanier. 41. Droit de dedouanement. 42. Droits de douane et autres droits non postaux. 43. Envois francs dc droits. 44. Annulation des droits de douane et autres droits non postaux. 45. Envois expres. 46. Interdictions. 47. ModalitCs d'affranchissement. 48. Affranchissement des correspon- dances a bord des navires. 49. Franchise postale. 50. Coupous-reponse. 51. Retrait. Modification d'adresse. .52, R6expCdition. Rebuts. 53. Reclamations. CHAI'ITRE II Envois recommand~s. 54. Taxes. 55. Avis de reception. 56. Etendue de In. responsabilite. 57. Exceptions au principe de 1a respon- sabilitt'i. 58. Cessation de la responsabilite. 59. Payement de l'indemnitC. 60. Delai de payement de l'indemniM. 61. Determination de 180 responsabiliM. 62. Remboursement de l'indemnitc a l'Administration expeditrice. International Burea Il Art. 24. General functions. 2.5 . Expenses of the International Bureau. TITLE II GENERAL REGlJLATlONS SOLE CHAPTEH 21). Libertv of transit. 27. Prohil.iition against unauthorized charges. 28. Tcmporary RllSpcllsion of services. 29. Monctary standard. 30. Equivalents. 31. Forms. Language 32. Identity cal·ds. TITLE IlT PROVISIONS CONCERNING POS- TAL CORRESPONDENCE 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. CUAI'TEH I General T)rovisions Articlcs of correspondence. Rates and gcncral conditions. Prepa) ment. Charge on unprepaid or insuffi. ciently prepaid {'orrcspondence. Surcharges. Special charges. Dutiable articles. Customs inspcction. Customs-clearance fcc. Customs duties and othcr non- postal charges. Pl'cpaymcut of cllstoms duty, etc. Cam'elation of CllstOHlR duty and ot.her non-postal charges. Special-delivery articles. Prohihitions. Methods of prepayment. Prepayment of correspondencc on board ships. Franking privilege. Reply coupons. Withdrawal. Change of address. Forwarding. lJndelivered corre- spondence. Inquirizs. CUAl'TEH II Regio,tered articles 54. Charges. 55. Return receipts. 56. Extent of respom:ihility. 57. Exceptions to the principle of responsibility. 58. Termination of respl)nsibility. 59. Payment of indemnity. 60. Period for payulf-mt of iudemnity. 61. Fixing of responsibility. 62. Repayment of the indemnity to the Administration of origin.