Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/737

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UXIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20,1934. 2753 questions determinees sont con- voquees par Ie Bureau inter- national apres entente, Ie cas echeant, avec l'Administration du Pays 011 ces Commissions doivent se reunir. CHAPITRE III PROPOSITIONS DANS L'INTER- VALLE DES Rf;uNIONS. ARTICLE 19 Introduction des propositions. Dans l'intervalle des reunions, toute Administration a Ie droit d'adresser aux autres Administra- tions, par l'intermedaire du Bu- reau international, des proposi- tions concernant la Convention, son Protocole final et son Regle- ment. Le meme droit cst accorde aux Administrations des Pays participant f).lIX Arrangements en ce qui conel~rne ces Arrange- ments, leurs Reglements et leurs Protocolcs finals. Pour etre mises en deliberation, toutes les propositions introduites par une Administration dans l'in- tervalle des reunions doivent etre appuyees par au moins deux autres Administrations. Ces pro- positions restent sans suite lorsque Ie Bureau international ne re~oit pas, en meme temps, Ie nombre necessaire de declarations d'appui. ARTICLE 20 Examen des propositions. Toute proposition est soumise a la procedure suivante: Un delai de six mois est laisse aux Administrations pour exa- miner la proposition et, Ie cas echeant, pour faire parvenir leurs observations au Bureau inter- national Les amendements ne sont pas admis. Les reponses sont reunies par les soins d u Bureau international et communi- quces aux Administrations avec invitation de se prononcer pour ou contre. Celles qui n'ont pas fait parvenir leur vote dans un delai de six mois sont considerees questions are called together by the International Bureau, in con- sultation, if necessary, with the Administration of the country where such Committees are to meet. CHAPTER III PROPOSITIONS IN THE INTER- Pr<!~itionsbetween VAL BETWEEN MEETINGS meetings. ARTICLE 19 Introduction oj proposition In the interval between meet- m~;;TarmstroBot (talk)ion of, by ings any Administration has the right to address to the other Administra.tions, thru the inter- mediary of the International Bu- reau, propositions concerning the Convention, its Final Protocol, and its Regulations. The same right is accorded to the Administration of the coun- tries participating in the Agree- ments in regard to those Agree- ments, their Regulations, and their Final Protocols. In order to be considered, all Support Dece.~S8l'Y. propositions introduced by an Administration in the interval between meetings must be sup- ported by at least two other Administrations. Such proposi- tions are ignored when the Inter- national Bureau does not receive, at the same time, the necessary number of declarations of support. ARTICLE 20 Examination oj proposition8 E .t' . b't t d Procedure for con. ~ very pro:poSI IOn IS su mI· ,e si<iering. to the followmg procedure: A period of six months is al- lowed for the Administrations to examine the propositions and send in their observations, if any, to the International Bureau. Amendments are not admitted. The replies are assembled by the International Bureau and com- municated to the Administra- tions, with an invitation to pro- nounce themselves for or agamst. Those which have not sent in their votes within a period of six months are considered as abstain-