Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/750

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2766 Ordinary deliyery, it not fully Ilrepaid. I~.. te. ..1 ,<II', 1'. 2ili2. Discretionary delivery. I'rohibitioll~. Artidt·s forbidden. UNIVERSAL POST.AL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 4.- Les objets ex pres non COlll- pletement afi'ranchis pour Ie mon- tant total des taxes pa.yables a l'avance sont distribues par les moy-ens ordinaires, a moins qu'ils n'aIent eM trnites comme expres par Ie bureau d'origine. Dans ce dernier cas, les envois sont taxes d'apres les dispositions de l'article 36. 5.- Il cst loisible aux Adminis- tmtions de s'en tcnir it un seul essni de remise par expres. Si cet essai est infructueux, l'objet peut etre truite comme un envoi ordinaire. ARTICLE 46 Interdictions. l.-L'expedition des objets vises dans Ia colonne 1 du tableau ci-apres est interdite. Lorsque ces objets ont etc admis a tort a l'expedition, ils doivent subir Ie traitement indique dans la co- lonne 2. a) J,esohJctsqui,llarleur nature ou leur em- ballage, peuvent pr~­ senter du danger pour les' agen ts, salir ou d/\t~riorer les cor- respondances; b) les objets p3Ssi bles de drolts de douane (sauf les exceptions pr4!rues t\ I'article 39) alnsl que les 4!cbantillonsexptdics en nombre en vue d'4!viter la percep- tion de ces droits; e) I'opium, la morphine, la cocaine et autres stupMlants; d) lesobjetsdontl'admis. sion ol1la circulation cst interdite dans Ie pays de destination; Traitcment des en· vois admis Ii tort 2 II trailer scion les re- Idements In~rle­ urs de l'Adminis- tration qui en con- state la pr4!sence; toutefois, les ob- Jets \" ls4!s sous c) ne sont en aucun cas nl achemin~s II destination, ni dHivr/ls aux dest!- nataires, ni ren- voy~s IIl'origioe; t) les matieres explosibles, 111 d4!truire sur place inOammabl~s ou par l'Admlnistra- dangereuses, tion Qui en con- f) Ie!! objets obscenes ou state 1a pr~nce' Immoraux; , 0) les animaux vivants, t\ t\ rcnvoyer au pnys I'exception des aheil- d'origine; toute- les, des sangsues et fois, 81 leur pr~- des vers 11 soie. sence n'est con- stat4!e que par I'AdmlDlstratlOn de destination, celle-ci est autorl- 5~e II les remettre nux destinataires. aux conditions pr6rues par ses reglements inti!- rieurs. 4. Special-delivery articles upon which the total amount of the charges payable in advance has not been' prepaid are de- livered by the ordinary means, unless they have been treated 8S special-deliveJ7r" articles by the office of origin. In the latter case, the art.ides Rrc rated in accordance with the provisions of Article 36. 5. It is permissible for Ad- ministrations to make only one attempt to deliver by special messenger. If such attempt is unsuccessful, the article may be treated 8S an ordinary article. ARTICLE 46 Prohibitions 1. The sending of the articles mentioned in Column 1 of the table below is prohibited. When such articles have been wrongly accepted for mailing, they shall undergo the treatment intlicatcd in Column 2. Articl~s (f/) Articles which, l,y their nature or pack· lng, may expose postal employees to danger, or soil or damage the mails; (b) Articles liable to cus- toms duty (with the exceptions provided for hy Article 3(1), as well as sampll's sent In quantities for the purpose of avoiding the (!ollection of such duty; (e) OpiulII. morphine, co- caine, and other nar- cotics; (d) Articles whose admis- sion or circulation is prohibited in the country of destina- tion; (l) Explosive, inflamma- ble or dangerous substances; (f) Obscene or immoral nrticles; (g) Live animals, with t he exception of bees, leeches, and silk worms. Treatment of articles wrongly accepted 2 iTo be trente(\ In ac· cor<iall!'e with the domestic regula· tions of the Ad- ministration which discovers their presence; however, the arti- cles mentioned under (c) are in no case either for- warded to dl'stina- tion, deli vered to the addre~ses or returned to ori- gin; I To be destroYl'd on the spot by the Administ ration wbich discovers their presence; To be returned to the country of ori- I!in; however, if their presence is dis(,overed only by the Adminis- tration of destina- tion, the latter is authorized to de- liver them to the addressees, under the conditions pro- scribed by its domestic regula- tions.