Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/756

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2772 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. concernant des envois deposes sur Ie territoire d'autres Adminis- trations. Return, If fault of 4.- Lorsqu'une reclamation a service. ete motivee par une faute de service, Ie droit de reclamation est restitue. Hegistered articles. Charges. Designated articles. . ,,1 TIlt, p. 27W. CHAPITRE II EKVOIS RECO;\DIA:\Dt;S. ARTICLl'~ 54 Taxes. 1. -Les objets de corres- pOIldaIlce design(·s it l'article 33 pCUV<'llt Nrc expedies sous rccom- mandation. Advance postage reo 2.- La taxe de tout envoi quircd. recommande doit Ctre acquittcc a I'avance. Elle se compose: a) du port ordinuire de l'cnvoi, selon sa nature; b) d'un droit fixe de rccom- mandation de 40 eentimes (tu rnuxunum. Le droit fixe de recommantla- tion afl'ercnt a Ia pltrtie "He- ponse" d'une cltrte postalc no peut etre vaIablcment acquitte que par I'expediteur do cette partie. Receipt. 3.- Un recepisse doit Ctre delivre gratuitemcnt, au moment du depot, a l'expcditeur d'un envoi recommandc. Special charge for 4.- Les pays disposes a se RSstlm3d risk. charger des risques pouvant deriver du cas de force majeure sont autoriscs a percevoir une taxe speciale de 40 centimes au maximum pour chaque envoi recommallde. Insufficiently, etc., 5.- Les envois recommandcs prepaldregisteredmuil. non ou insuffisamment affranchis Return receipts. Charge. qui auraient etc transmis a tort au pays de destination sont pas- sibles, a la charge des destina- taires, d'une taxe egale au mon- tant de l'affranchissement man- quant. ARTICLE 55 Avis de reception. L'expediteur d'un envoi recom- rnande peut demander un avis de reception en payant, au moment du depot, un droit fixe de 40 centimes au maximum. cerning articles mailed on the territory of other Administrations. 4. When an inquiry has been made necessary thru a fault of the service, the inquiry fee is returned. CHAPTER II REGISTERED ARTICLES AHTICLE 54 Charges 1. The articles of correspond- ence designated in Artiele 33 may be sent under registrntioll. 2. The postage on all registered articles must be paid in advance. It consists of: (a) The ordinary postnge on the article, according' to its class; (b) A fixed r<'gistrution fee of 40 centimes at most. The fixed registration fee ap- plicnble to the reply half of a post card can not he legally paid by anyone but the sender of that half. 3. A receipt shall he delivered without eharge to the sender of a registered article at the time of mniling. 4. Countries disposed to under- take risks arising from force majeure (causes beyond control) are authorized to (~olleet a special charge of 40 centimes at most for each registered article. 5. Un prepaid or insufficiently prepaid registered articles which have been wrongly sent to the country of destination are liable, at the expense of the addressees, to a charge equal to the amount of the missing postage. ARTICLE 55 Return receipts The sender of a registered arti- cle may request a return receipt by payin~, at the time of mailing, a fixed charge of 40 centimes at most.