Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/758

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2774 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. ARTICLE 58 Cessation de la responsab'ilite. ResponsibiJitytermi- Les Administrations cessent nated on delivery, • Payment of indem- nity. d'etre responsables des envOlS recommandes dont elIes ont cf- fectue la remise dans les condi- tions prescrites par leur reglement interieur pour les envois de meme nature. ARTICLE 59 Payement de l'indemnite. L'obligation de payer I'indem- nite incombe a I'Administration dont releve Ie bureau exp(;diteur de l'envoi, sous reserve de son droit de recours contre l'Adminis- tration responsable. Alt'rICLE 58 Termination oj responsibility Administrations cease to be 1'e- sponsible for registered articles the delivery of which they have effected under the conditions pre- scribed by their domestic regu- la tiolls for articles of the same nature. ARTICLE 59 Payment oj indemnity The obligution of paying in- demnity falls upon the Adminis- tration to which the office of ori- gin of th~ article belongs, subject to its right to make a claim agamst the responsible Administration. AR'l'ICLE GO ARTICLE 60 Delai de payement de l'indemnite. Period jol' payment oj indemnity Period forin<iemnity 1.- Le payement de I'indem- payment. nit6 doit avoir lieu Ie plus tot Postponement. "~ttlement of inter- mediation, etc., ofIice. Responsibility. pos3ible et, au plus tard, dans Ie delai de six mois a compter du lendemein du jour de la reclama- tion. Ce delai est porte a neuf mois dans les relations avec les pays eloignes. L'Administration expeditrice <J.ui n'accepte pas de se charger des nsques dcrivant du cas de force majeure P.cut differer Ie reglemcnt de l'indemnit6 au dela du dcllli prevu it I'alinea preccd~nt lorsque la question de sllvoir si la perte de l'envoi est due a un cas de I'espece n'est pas tranchee. 2.- L'Administration d'origine est autorisee a desinteresser l'ex- pediteur pour Ie compte de l'Ad- ministration intermediaire ou des- tinataire qui, regulierement saisie, a laisse s'ecoulcr trois mois sans donner do solution a l'affaire; ce delai est porte a six mois dans les relations avec les pays eloignes. ARTICLE 61 Determination de la responsabiliiC. Of receiving Admin- l. - Jusqu'a preuve du con- istration. • 1 traue, a responsabilite pour Ia perte d'un envoi recommande incombe a l'Administration qui, ayant rec;u l'objet sans faire d'ob- 1. Payment of indemnity must take place as soon as possible, and aL the latest within the period of six months, counting from the day following the date of tho in- quiry. That period is extended to nine months m relations with dis- tant countries. A dispatching Administrntion which does not accept risks arising fromjorce majeure may, as an ex- ception, postpone settlement for the indemnity beyond the period prescribed by the preceding paru- ~raph when the question of know- mg whether the loss of the article was due to a case of that kind has not yet been settled. 2. The Administration of origin is authorized to settle with the sender on behalf of an Adminis- tration of intermediation or des- tination which, duly notified, lws let three months puss without set- tling the matter; that period is extended to six months in rela- tions with distant countries. ARTICLE 61 Fi:cing oj responsibility 1. Until the contrary is proyed, responsibility for the loss of fi reg- istered Hi:ticle ffills on the Admin- istration which, having received the article without m:lking any