Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/781

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20,1934. 2797 XII Protocole laisse ouverl aux Pays non representes. L'Afghanistan, la Republique d 'Haiti, Ia Republique de Liberia, Ie Luxembourg, la Republique de EI Salvador, Ie Temtoire de la SaITe, Ie Siam et 1'Yemen, qui font partie de I 'Union postaIc, ne s 'etant pas fait representer au Congres, Ie Protocole leur reste ouvert pour adherer a Ia Conven~ tion et DUX AITangements qui y ont ete condus, ou seulement a I 'un ou a I 'autre d 'entre eux. XIII Protocole la'i88e ouverl aux Pay.~ representes pour signatures et adhcsion,,;. Le Protocole demeure ouvert en faveur des Pays dont les repre~ sentants n 'ont signe aujourd 'hui que la Convention ou un certain nombre seulement des AITange~ ments aIT~tes par Ie Congres, a I 'effet de leur permettre d 'ad~ herer aux autres AITangements signes ce jour, ou a 1'un ou a I 'autre d 'entre ('ux. XIV XII Protocol left open to the countries not represented H ~s. AfghhanRistan b , tlihe RfePLiu.bblic.of coTarmstroBot (talk)l TarmstroBot (talk) o~~ aItI,te epuc0 ena, sented at Congress. Luxemburg, the Republic of El Salvador, the Saar Territory, Siam and Yemen, which form part of the Postal Union, were not represented at the Congress, the Protocol remains open to them in order that they may adhere to the Convention and Agreements con- cluded there, or merely to one or another of them. XIII Protocol left open to the countries represented Jor signatures and adhesions The Protocol remains open to Protocollert open ror h . h rurther signatures. t ose countnes w ose representa~ tives have today signed only the Convention or only a certain number of the Agreements drawn up by the Congress, for the pur- pose of permitting them to adhere to the other Agreements signed on this date, or to one or another of them. XIV Delai pour la notification des ad- Period Jor notijication oj adhesion.{] he8ion,~. Les adhesions prevues aux articles XII et XIII devront etrc notifiees, en la forme diplomati- ,que, par les Gouvernements in~ teresses au Gouvernement de 1'Egypte et par celui-ci aux autres Etats de I 'Union. Le d61ai ac- cord6 auxdit~ Gouvernements pour cette notification expirera Ie l er janvier 1935. En foi de quoi, les PIenipoten- tiaires ci-de~sous ont dresse Ie present Protocole, qui aura Is meme foree et Ia meme valeur que si ses dispositions etaient inserees dans 1(' t('xte meme de la Conven- tion a Iaquclle il se rapporte, et iis I 'ont signe en un exemplaire qui restera depose aux Archives du Gouvernement de I 'Egypte et don tune copie sera remise a chaque Partie. Fait au Caire, Ie 20 mars 1934. The adhesions contemplated in Period ror notifying Articles Xll and XIII shall be adhesions. communicated by the respective Governments, thru diplomatic channels, to the Government of Egypt, and by the It,tter to the other States of the Union. The period which is allowed to the said Governments to make such noti- fication will expire on Jnnuary 1, 1935. In faith of which, the under- Rignaturet!. signed plenipotentiaries have drawn UP. the present }">rotocol, which wIll have the same force and validity as if its provisions were included in the tc>xt itself of the Convention to which it relates, and they have signed it in one copy, which will be filed in the Archives of the Government of Egypt, and a copy of which will be delivered to each party. Done at Cairo, March 20, 1934.