Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/803

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2819 e) sur les epreuves d'impri- merie: les changements et additions qui se rapportent a 10. correction, a 10. forme et a I'impression ainsi que des mentions telles CJ.ue "Bon a tirer", "Vu-Bon a tIrer" ou toutes autres analogues se rap- portant a 10. confection de l'ou- vrage. En cas de manque de place, les additions peuvent etre fRites sur des feuilles speciales; j) sur les images de mode, les cartes geographiques, etc.: les couleurs; g) sur les listes de prix cou- rants, les offres d'annonces, les cotes de bourse et de marche, les circulaires de commerce et les prospectus: des chiffres; toutes autres annotations repre- sentant des elements constitutifs des prix; h) sur les livres, brochures, journaux, photographies,gravures, papiers de musique et, en general, sur toutes les productions litte- raires ou artistiques imprimees, gravees, lithographiees ou auto- graphices: une d6dicace consistant en un simple hommage et, sur les photo- graphies, une legende explIcative tres succincte d'autres indications sommaires se referant a 10. pho- tographie meme; i) sur les passages decoupes de journaux et publications periodi- ques: Ie titre, 10. date, Ie numero et I'adresse de 10. publication dont l'article est extrait. 3. - Les additions et les correc- tions prevues aux §§ 1 et 2 peuvent etre faites a 10. main ou par un procede mecanique quel- conque. 4.- 1 1 est, enfin, permis de joindre: a) aux epreuves d'imprimerie corrigees ou non: Ie manuscrit s'y rapportant; b) aux envois des categories mentionnees sous § 2, Iettre h: 10. facture ouverte se rapportant a I'objet envoye, reduite a ses enonciations constitutives; (e) On printing proofs: Such changes and additions as relate to corrections, form and printing, as well as notes such as Bon d tirer (ready for printing), Vu-Bon d tirer (0. K . for print- ing), or any similar note relating to the preparation of the work. In case of lack of space, the addi- tions may be made on separate sheets; Print proofs. (j) On fashion plates maps Fashionpiates, maps, , , etc. etc.: The colors; (g) On current price lists, offers Colors. for advertisements, market and stock quotations, commercial cir- culars and prospectuses: Figures; Figures. Any other notations represent- ing elements affecting the prices; (h) On books, pamphlets, news- ti!~~ks, etc. , dedica· papers, photographs, engravings, sheet-music, and, in general, on all printed, engraved, litho- graphed or autographed literary or artistic productions: A dedication consisting of a simple tribute; and, on photo- graphs, a very concise explana- tory legend and other summary information concerning the pho- tograph itself; (i) On passa~es cut from ncws- Press clippings. papers and penodicals: The name, date, number and address of the publication from which the article is taken. 3. The additions and correc- tions contemplated in Sections 1 and2maybemadebyhandor by any mechanical process. 4. Finally, it is permissible to attach: (a) To corrected or uncor- rected printing proofs: The manuscript belonging thereto; (b) To articles of the classes mentioned under Section 2, letter (h): An open invoice covering the article sent, reduced to its essen- tial termsj Proof manuscript. Invoice of article sent.