Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/810

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2826 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. Attached to tracer. La. fonnule C 5 est attachee a une reclamation C 13 mentionnee a l'article 151 ci-apres; cette reclamation, apres avoir eM re- v~tue d'un timbre-poste repre- sentant 10. taxe due, est traitee selon les prescriptions dudit POll. p. 2842. article 151, sauf que, en cas de distribution reguliere del'envoi, Ie bureau de destination retire 10. fonnule C 13 et renvoie 10. fonnule C 5 a I'origine de 10. maniere prescrite a l'article 126, § 3. Provisions ble. appJica- 2. - Les dispositions particu- (' ollect-on -delivery articles. lieres adoptees par les Adminis- trations en vertu de l'article 151 ci-apres, pour 10. transmission des reclamations d'envois recomman- des, sont applicables aux de- mandes d'avis de reception for- mulees posterieurement au depot. TITRE IV ENVOIS CONTRE REM- BOURSEMENT. CHAPITRE UNIQUE ARTICLE 128 Indicatw1UJ d porter sur l'envoi. Nota~lons required. 1.- Les envois recommandes greves de remboursement doivent porter. au recto, d'une maniere tres apparente, l'en-Mte "Rem- boursement", suivi de l'indication du montant du remboursement en caracteres latins, en toutes lettres et en chiffres arabes, sans ratures ni surcharges, m~me ap- prouvees. 2. -L'exp6diteur doit indiquer au recto de l'envoi son nom et son adresse en caracteres latins. Lorsque Ie montant encaisse est Fonn where sums a verser en compte courant postal TarmstroBot (talk) to postal ac- dans Ie pays de destination ou d'origine, l'envoi doit porter, en outre, du cote de 10. suscription, l'annotation suivante libellee en franQais ou dans une autre langue connue dans Ie pays de destina- tion: "A porter au credit du compte courant postal No _____ de M __ _ _______ _ a ______________ tenu par Ie bureau de cheques d _____ _ " The Fonn C 5 is attached to a tracer, Fonn C 13, mentioned in Article 151 hereafter; that tracer, after having been provided with a postage stamp representing the fee payable, is treated in accord- ance with the provisions of the said Article 151, except that, in case of regular delivery of the article, the office of destination removes the Form C 13 and re- turns the Form C 5 to origin in the manner prescribed by Article 126, Section 3. 2. The special provisions adopted by the Administrations by virtue of Article 151 hereafter, for the transmission of inquiries for registered articles, are appli- cable to requests for return re- ceipts made after mailing. TITLE IV COLLECT-ON -DELIVERY ARTICLES SOLE CHAPTER ARTICLE 128 Notations to be made on the article 1. Registered C. O . D . articles shall bear on the address side the conspicuous heading Rembourse- ment (collect on delivery), follow- ed by the amolUlt of the trade charge, spelled out in full in Latin characters, and in Arabic figures, without erasure or cor- rection, even if certified. 2. The sender shall indicate on the front of the article his name and address in Latin characters. When the amount collected is to be turned over to a current postal- check account in the country of destination or origin, the article shall also bear, on the address side, the following notation in French or in another language known in the country of destina- tion: "To be credited to current postal-check account No. _____ _ of M.

___ at- ______

_ - - - - - -, keptbythecheckoffice of ______________ "