Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/814

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2830 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. ARTICLE 135 ARTICLE 135 Reduction ou annulation du rem- Reduction or cancelation oj the Reduction. etc.. of smns to be collecte<l. boursement. amount to be collected on de- livery 1. -Les demandes d'annulation ou de reduction du montant du remboursement sont soumises aux regles et formalites prescrites par l'article 148 ci-apres. 1. Requests for cancelation or reduction of the amount to be collected are subject to the rules and formalities prescribed by Article 148 hereafter. TeJegraphlcre<luests. S'il s'agit d'une demande telc- graphique, celle··ci doit etre con- In case of a telegraphic re- quest, it shall be confirmed, by the first mail, by a postal request accompanied by the facsnnile mentioned in Article 148, Sec- tion 1, hereafter, bearing at the head the notation, underlined in culored pencil: Confirmation de la demande telegraphique du .... ..." (confirmation of the Po,t. p. 2840. Mail requests. A nft. )I. 2828. Forms. Forwarding to new destination. firmee, par Ie premier courrier, par une demande postale 8ccom- pagnee du faesimile dont it est question a l'artide 148, § 1, ci-apres, ct portant en tete l'an- notation soulignee flU crayon de coutellr "Confirmation de Ia de- mande teIcgra phique d u ... ". Dans ('e cm;, Ie bur('au dcstina- taire se horne a retenil' l'cnvoi, it la rcecption dll tcICgrammc, et attend Ia confirmation postalc pour faire droit ala demand('. Toutefois, I' Administration des- tinataire p<'ut, sous sa propre rc- sponsahilitc, donner SUIte a line demande tclCgraphique sans at- tendre (~ette confirmation. 2. -Exceptc Ie ens prcvu a l' artiele 131, tou te clemande par voie postale de reduction du montant du remhollrsement doit etre aecompagnee <l'une nouvelle formule de mandat de rembourse- ment indiquant Ie montant rectifie. Lorsqu'il s'agit d'une demande par voie teIegraphique, Ie mandat de remboursement doit etre rcm- place par Ie bureau dcstinataire dans Ies conditions d6terminees par l'article 138 ci-apres. ARTICLB 136 Reexpedition. Les envois recommandes greves de remboursement pell\T ent etre reexpedies si Ie pays de la nouvelle destmation assure, avec cclui d'origine, Ie service des envois de cette categorie. Dans ce cas, les envois sont accompagn6s des for- mules de mandats de rembourse- ment etablics par Ie serviee (l'ori- gine. L'Administration £Ie la telegraphic request of .......) . In that case, the ofilce of desti- nation merely holds the article on receipt of the telegram, and waits fOT confirmation by mail before complying with the request. However, the Administration of destination mav, on its own responsibility, comply with a tele- graphic request without awaiting such confirmation. 2. Except in the case con- templated by Article 131, every request by mail for reduction of the amount to be collected on delivery shall be accompanied by a new C. O . D. money-order form indicating the correct amount. In case of a request by tele- graph, the C. O . D. money order shall be replaced by the office of destination under the conditions fixed by Article 138 hereafter. ARTICLE 136 Forwarding Registered C. O . D. articles may be forwarded if the country of new destination carries on the C. O . D. service with the country of origin. In such a case, the arti- cles are accompanied by C. O . D . money-order forms made out by the service of origin. The Ad- ministration of new destination proceeds to settle for the C. O . D .