Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/817

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UNIVEHSAL POSTAL COXVEXTIO~. MARCH 20, 1934. 2833 l'ordre numerique de leur inscrip- tion aux registres de ces bureaux. VAdministration qui a etabli Ie compte dCduit de la somme totale de sa creance Ie montant des taxes et droits revenant al'Administra- tion correspond ante, conforme- ment a l'article 73 de la Conven- tion. 3.- Le solde du compte C 9 est ajoute, autant que possible, a celui du compte mensuel des mandats de poste etabli pour la meme p6riode. La verification et la liquidation de ces comptes sont effectuees scIon les regles fixces par I' Arrangement et Ie Reglement des mandats de poste. TITRE V cal order of their entrv in the records of those offices. The Administration which has made up the account deducts, from the total amount of its credit balance, the amount of the charges and fees due to the corresponding Administration, in accordance A71I~. p. 2782. with Article 73 of the Convention. 3. The balance of the account Verificatioll. etc. C 9 is added, as far as possible. 1'0 ., (, p. :l8OO. to that of the monthly money- order account made up for the same period. The verification and settlement of those accounts are effected in accordance with the rules fixed by the Agree- ment and Regulations concerning money orders. TITLE V OPERATIONS AV DEPART OPERATIOKS UPON DE- .nepartu~ and ar· ET .A L'ARRIVEE. PAUTUHE AND ARRIVAL maiofwalis. CHAPITRI'; UNIQUE ARTICLE 141 Application du timbre d date. 1.- Les correspondances sont frappees au recto pnr Ie bureau d'origine d'un timbre indiquant, autant que possible en caracteres latins, Ie lieu d'origine et la date d u depot a la poste. Dans les localites pourvues de plusieurs bureaux de post~, Ie timbre doit indiquer quel est Ie bureau de depot. L'application du timbre prevu aux ruineas precedents n'est pas obligatoire pour les correspon- dancesaffranchies au moyen d'em- preintes de machines a affranchir si l'indication du lieu d'origine et de la date du depot a la poste figure dans ces empreintes. L'ap- plication du timbre dont il s'agit n'est pas non plus exigee pour les objets a tarif reduit non recom- mandes, a condition que Ie lieu d'orisine soit indique sur ces envOlS. 2.-Tous les timbres-poste va- lables doivent etre obliteres. Les timbres-poste non obliteres par suite d'erreur ou d'omission dans Ie service d'origine doivent 6tre biffes d'un fort trait ou SOLE CHAPTER AUTICLE 141 Application oj the date .~tamp 1. Correspondence is post- marked on the front by the office of origin with a stamp indicating, in Latin characters as far as pos- sible, the place of origin and the date of mailing. In localities having several post offices, the stamp shall indicate which is the office of mailing. The application of the stamp contemplated in the preceding paragraphs is not obli~atory for correspondence prepald by means of impressions of stamping machines if the indication of the place of origin and date of mailing appears in such impressions. Neither is the application of the stamp in question required for un- registered articles at the reduced rate, on condition that the place of origin is indicated on such articles. 2. All valid postage stamps shall be canceled. Postage stamps not canceled thru error or oversight on the part of tho service of origin shall be marked thru with a heavy t:se of date stamp. Optionl1laJlllllcatioD. ('anceiation.