Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/820

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2836 UNIVERSAL POSTAL COXVENTIOX. MARCH 20, 1934. Duplicate substituteJ original. r:;ulletin 2.- Lorsqu'un envoi qui porte lost l'etiquette "Franc de droits" parvient au service destinataire sans bulletin d'affranchissement, Ie bureau charge du dCdouane- ment etablit un duplicata du bul- letin sur lequel il mentionne Ie nom du pays d'origine et, autant que possible, la date du depot de l'envoi. Lorsque Ie bulletin d'affran- chissement est perdu apres livrai- son de l'envoi, un duplicata est etabli dans les memes conditions. C'nnrelntion, on re- turn or article. 3. -Les bulletins d'aft"ranchisse- ment afferents aux envois qui, pour un motif quelconque, sont renvoyes a l'origine doivent etre annuIes par les soins de l'Ad- ministration destinataire. C'urrencyconversion. 4. -A la reception d'un bulletin d'affranchissement indiquant les frais debourses par Ie service dCR- tinataire, l'Administration d'ori- gine convertit Ie montant de ces frais dans sa propre monnaie a un taux qui ne doit pas etre superieur au taux fixe pour l'emission des mandats de poste a destination du pays correspondant. Le resultat de la conversion est indique dans Ie corps de la formule et sur Ie coupon lateral. Apres avoir re- couvre Ie montant des frais, Ie bureau d'origine remet a l'expedi- teur Ie coupon du bulletin et, Ie cas echeant, les pieces justificatives. Forwarded articles. ARTICLE 145 Envois reexpedus. I.- Les correspondances adres- sees a des destinataires ayant change de residence sont con- siderees comme adressees directe- ment du lieu d'origine au lieu de la nouvelle destination. Insufficiently, etc., 2. -Les envois non ou insuffi- prepaid. samment affranchis pour leur premier parcours sont frappes de la taxe qui leur aurait ete appli- quee s'ils avaient ete adresses directement du point d'origine au lieu de la destination nouvelle. 2. ·When an article bearing the label Franc de droits (free of charges) reaches the office of destination without any prepay- ment bulletin, the office charged with the customs clearance makes up a duplicate bulletin, on which it mentions the name of the coun- try of origin and, as far as pos- sible, the date of mai1ing of the article. When the prepayment bulletin is lost after the delivery of the artic1e, a duplicate is prepared under the same condi tions. 3. Prepayment bulletins be- longing to articles which are re- turned to origin for any reason shall be canceled by the Adminis- tration of destination. 4. On receipt of a prepayment bulletin indicating the charges paid by the service of destination, the Administration of origin con- verts the amount of those char~es into its own money at a rate whJCh shall not be higher than tho rate fixed for tho issuanco of money orders destined for the corre- sponding country. The result of the conversion is indicated in tho body of the form and on the coupon at the side. After having recovered the amount of the charges, the office of origin de- liv('rs the coupon of the bulletin, and, if need be, the supporting papers, to the sender. ARTICLFl 145 Forwarded articles 1. Correspondence addressed to persons who have changed their residence is considered as ad- dressed directly from the place of origin to the place of new desti- nation. 2. Articles which are not pre- paid, or which are insufficiently prepaid for the first part of their Journey, are marked with the charge which would have been applied to them if they had been addressed directly from the point of origin to the place of new desti- nation.