Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/849

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2865 ARTICLE 170 lJecompte gmb-al annuel. Inter- t)ention du Bureau international. I.-Sauf entente contraire entre les Administrations intcressees, Ie decompte general comprenant les frais de transit est etabli annuelle- ment par Ie Bureau international. 2. -Aussitot que les comptes particuliers entre deux Admlllis- trations sont approuves ou con- sideres comme admis de plein droit (article 169, § 5), chacune de ces Administrations transmet sans re- tard, au Bureau international, un releve conforme au modele C 25 ci-annex6 et indiquant les mon- tants totaux de ces comptes. Lors de la reception d 'un relev6 ema- nant d'une Administration, Ie Bureau international en avertit l'autre Administration int6ressee. Dans Ie solde, il est fait abandon des centimes. En cas de differences entre les indications correspond antes four- nies par deux Administrations, Ie Bureau international les invite 8. se meUre d'accord et a lui indi- quer les sommes d6finitivement arretees. Lorsqu'une Administration seulement a fourni Ie releve C 25, les indications de cette Adminis- tration font foi, 8. moins que Ie releve correspondant de I'Admin- istration retardataire ne parvienne au Bureau international en temps opportun pour 1'6tablissement du prochain decompte general annuel. Dans Ie cas prevu tll'article 169, § 5, les releves doivent porter la mention" Aucune ohservation de I'Administration o6hitrice n'est parvenue dans Ie delai reglemen- taire" . Si deux Administrations se met- tent d'accord pour fnire un f(~glc­ ment special, leurs releves C 25 portent Ia mention" Compte regie il. part--tl titre d'information" et ne sont pas compris dans Ie de- compte general annuel. ARTICLE 170 General annual account. Interven- tion oj the International Bureau 1. Barring contrary Al71'eement General anuual ac- "'0 6 count. between the Administrations con- cerned, the general account cover- ing transit charges is made up an- nually by the International Bu- reau. 2. As soon as the individual ac- Transmission. counts between two Administra- tions are approved or considered as automatically accepted (Article An/t, p. :l!!!~. 169, Section 5), each of those Ad- ministrations transmits without delay, to the International Bureau, an account confonuinO' to Model POI<t, p . :.!915. C 25 hereto appended and indi- cating the total amounts of those accounts. Upon reeeipt of an ac- count coming from one Adminis- tration, the International Bureau so advises the other Administra- tion concerned. Centimes are ignored in the bal- ances. In case of difference between Settlement of <liffer- the corresponding items furnished ence.<. by two Administrations, the In- ternational Bureau invites them to come to an agreement and to communicate to it the sums defi- nitely arrived at. ,\Vhen only one of the Adminis- . rn:~ r~~ t.ll ;~~ ~le ~t a te ­ trations has furnished the Fonu C 25, the amounts indicated by po. • t , l'- :!II 15. that Administration hold good, unless the corresponding state- ment is received by the Int.erna- tional Bureau from the Adminis- tration in arrears in time for the preparation of the next g('neral annuaillceount. In the case provided for hy Ar- Sotation. tide 1G9, Section 5, the accounts shall bear the note: Aucune oh- .~ervation de l'Admini.~tration debi- trice n'est parvemLe dans le delai reglementaire (No ohservation re- ceived from the dehtor Adminis- ration within the preseribed pe- riod). If two Administrat.ions agree to Special settlement • ... • lletween two Powers. make a speelnl s('Uiement, thClr Fonus C 25 bear the note: Po~t, p. :0'\115 • . Oompte regie a part -a titre d'in- formation (Account settled sepa- rately -for purposes of infonua- tion); and are not included in the general annual account.