Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/853

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2869 sion, Ie prix de vente indiquc sur les coupons. 3.- Duns les decomptes entre AdminiHtrations, Ia valeur des coupons-rcponse est calculeo a raison de 35 centimes par unite. 4.- - Sauf entente contraire, les coupons echangcs sont envoyes annuellement, au plus tard dans un d6lai de trois mois apres expiration de l'annee, aux Ad- ministrntiol1R qui les ont emis, avec }'indicntioll globule de leur nomure ct de }Pur valeur. 5. - Au8siWt que deux Adminis- trations se son t mis('s d'ficcord sur Ie nomin'e des coupons cchanges dnns l('tlr:;; relations r6- ciproq-ucs, cHes drcssent chacllne et transmettent au Burenu in- ternational un relov6 conforme au modNe C 27 ci-annexe indiquant Ie soldc debiteur ou credit.cur, si ce solde depnsse 25 francs et si un rc~l('mt'll t specinl n'a pns etc prcvu en tre les deux pnys. A dCfaut d'nccord dans un dehti de six lllois, l'Administration crenn- eicre Ctablit son decompte et l'envoie nu Bureau international. Duns Ie cas ou l'une des Ad- ministrations seulement fournit son releve, les indicntions de cclui-ci font foi. Le solde est compris pllr Ie Bureau international dans un de- compte annuel et Ie payement a lieu dans Ies conditions prevues a l'article 171. 6.- Lorsque, dans les rapports entre deux Administrations, Ie soldc annuel ne d6passe pas 25 francs, I' Administration debitrice est cxoncree de tout payement. ARTICLE In Cartel; d',ide nt itc. 1. -Chaque Administration dc- si~ne les bUl'ellux ou les services qui delivrent les cartes d'identitc. 2. - Ce8 cllrtes sont ctablies sur des forIllulcs conform('s flU lllouele C 28 ci-annC'xe. Ces formulcs Bont fournies, au prix coCttant, par Ie Bureau int('rnationnl. the selling price indicated on the coupons. 3. In accounts between Ad- ministrations, the value of reply coupons is calculated at the rate of 35 centimes per unit. 4. Barring contrary ngreement, Annual setU.,m ent. exchanged coupons are sent annu- ally, at the latest within a period of three months after the expira- tion of the year, to the Adminis- trations wInch have issued them, with nn indication of their total number and value. 5. As soon as two Administra- l'rooeduce. tions have come to nn agreement us to the number of coupons ex- changed in their reciprocal rela- tions, they each muke up and transmit to the International Bureau a stlltement conforming to P03l,ll · 2916. Model C 27 hereto nppended, indicating the debit or credit bal- ance, if such hulnnce exceeds 25 francs and if special settlement hns not been provided for be- tween the tvw countries. In the absence of nn ngreement within n period of six months, the creditor Administration mnkes up its ac- COlfit and sends it to the Inter- national Bureau. In case that only one of the Irpnlyonestatement Administrntions furnishes its re(~·l\·ed. statement, the indications of the lnttl'f ure considered ns vnlid. The ballUlCe is included by the Inwrnntional Bur()fiu in an nIlllual account and payment takes pInec Ant~, p. 2:'lflll. under the conditions prescribed by Artide 171. 6. llCn, in t.he relations be- Small !",bnN". tween two Administrations, the annual balance does not exceed 25 francs, the debtor Administra- tion is released from ull payment. AHTIcu: 17:3 [dent ity cards r,lentity (',r·!s. 1. Ench Administration dcsig- I!<.<uing ofTll"C:;. nates the offices or services which issue identity cards. 2. Such cards nre made up on F"rms. forms agrcein~ with Model C 28 . /'0 ". p . 21117. hereto appended. Those forms are furnished at cost by the Inter- nationlll Bureau.