Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/909

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2925 DISPOSITIONS CONCERN- ANT LE TRANSPORT DE LA POSTE AUX LETTRES PAR VOlE AERIENNE. TABLE DES MATIERES. CHAPITRE I Dispositions generales. Art. 1. Objets de correspondance admis au transport aericn. 2. Libert6 de transit. 3. Aeheminement des correspondan~ ces~avion. 4. Taxes et conditions gen6rales d'ad~ mission des correspondances~ avion. 5. Correspondances~vion non affran~ chies ou insuffisamment affran~ chies. 6. Distribution des correspondances~ avion. 7. Reexpedition et renvoi des cor~ respondances~avion. CHAPITRE II Envois recommandes ou avec valeur declaret:. 8. Envois recommand6s. 9. Rcsponsabilite. 10. Envois avec valeur d6clar6e. CHAPITRE III Attribution des surtaxes a~riennes. Frais de transport. 11. Attribution des surtaxes. 12. Frais de transport a6rien des d6- p~ches closes. 13. Frais de transport des correspon- dances-avion a decouvert. CHAI'ITRE IV Bureau international. 14. Communications a adresscr au Bu~ reau international et aux Ad- ministrations. PROVISIONS CONCERNING u AIr•mall tranaporta- THE TRANSPORTATION on. OF REGULAR MAILS BY AIR TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I General Art. 1. Articles of corresponcience sub- mitted to aerial transportation. 2. Liberty of transit. 3. Dispatch of air~mail correspond~ ence. 4. Rates and general conditions for admission of air~mail correspond- ence. 5. Unprepaid or insufficiently prepaid air-mail correspondence. 6. Delivery of air-mail correspond~ ence. 7. Redirection and return of air-mail correspondence. CHAPTER II Regi3tered or insured article. 8. Registered articles. 9. Responsibility. 10. Insured articles. CDAPTER III Retention oJ aerial 8urcharges. portation charge8 Trans~ 11. Retention of surcharges. 12. Aerial transportation charges for closed mails. 13. Transportation charges for aerial correspondence in open mail. CHAPTER IV International Bureau 14. Communications to he addressed to the International Bureau and to the Administrations. Table of Contents.