Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/914

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2930 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20,1934. par un proce<i6 quelconque, du c6te de la suscription de l'objet. Dans tous les cas, la mention doit ~tre appuyee du timbre a date du bureau d'origine. ARTICLE 5 Unprepald, etc. , a rti- Correspondances-amon non affran- c1es. h' - ..0;<> ,n. c us ou tnsu.uc,oamment a.u ran- chies. Treatment and 1. -En cas d'absence totale charges. An/f, p. 2 ,112. d'affranchissement, les correspon- dances-avion sont traitees con- formement aux dispositions des articles 35 et 36 de la Convention. Les objets dont l'affranchisse- ment postal n'est pas obligatoire au depart sont transmis par les voies ordinaires. Uprepaymentequals 2.- En cas d'insuffisance d'af- surcharge. fhi I Ante, p. 2762. ranc ssement, es correspon- dances-avion sont transmises par la voie de l'air lorsque les taxes acquittees representent au moins Ie montant de la surtaxe aerienne. Les Administrations d'origine ont la faculte de transmettre ces cor- respondances par Ia voie de l'air lorsque les taxes acquittees repre- sentent 25% au moins du mon- tant de la surtaxe aerienne. Les dispositions de l'article 36 de la Convention sont applicables en ce qui concerne la perception des taxes non acquittees au depart. Ordinary means. 3. -Lors de la transmission par voie ordinaire des envois ne por- tant pas 25% au moins de la sur- taxe aerienne, Ie bureau de dep6t ou Ie bureau d'cchange doit biffer toute annotation relative au trans- port acrien et indiquer brieve- ment les motifs de la transmission par voie ordinaire. ARTICLE 6 be simply indicated on the address side of the article by any process whatever. In all cases, the nota- tion shall be supported by the date stamp of the office of origin. ARTICLE 5 Unprepaid or insufficiently pre- paid air-mail correspondence 1. In case of total lack of pre- payment, air-mail correspondence IS treated in accordance with the provisions of Articles 35 and 36 of the Convention. Articles whose prepayment at the time of mail- mg is not obligatory are sent by the ordinary means. 2. In case of insufficient pre- payment, air-mail correspondence IS sent by the air route when the postage paid represents at least the amount of the aerial surcharge. The Administrations of origin have the option of sending such correspondence by the air route when the postage paid represents at least 25 fercent of the amount of the aeria surcharge. The provisions of Article 36 of the Convention are applicable in regard to the collection of charges not paid at the time of mailing. 3. When articles not bearing at least 25 percent of the aerial sur- charge are sent by the ordinary means, the office of mailin~ or the exchange office shall stnke out all annotations relative to the air transportation, and indicate brief- ly the reason for transmission by the ordinary means. AnTICU~ 6 Distribution des. correspondances- Delivery oj air-mail correspondence amon. Air-mail delivery. L-Les correspondances-avion sont distribuees dans les meil- leures conditions de rapidite pos- sibles et doivent au moins ~tre comprises dans la premiere dis- tribution qui suit leur arrivee au bureau de distribution. 1. Air-mail correspondence is delivered as rapidly as possible, and shall at least be included in the first delivery following its arrival at the office of destination.