Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/919

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20,1934. 2935 de services dont la creation et l'entretien necessitent des frais extraordinaires (services extraor- dinaires). Les prix de transport afierents a. ces services sont fixes, par kilogramme, par les Adminis- trations dont ces services de- pendent; ils sont appliques pro- portionnellement aux fractions de kilogramme. 12. -Les frais de transport precites sont dus aussi pour les correspondances exemptes de frais de transit ainsi que pour les dep~hes ou correspondances mal dirigees, dans Ie cas OU elIes sont acheminees par la voie aerienne. 13. -Lea Administrations des pays survoIes n'ont droit a. aucune remuneration pour les dep~ches transportees par voie aerienne au- dessus de leur territoire. ARTICLE 13 Frais de transport des correspond- ances-avion d decouvert. I.-Les frais de transport des correspondances-avion qui sont echangees a. decouvert entre deux Administrations doivent ~tre cal- cules d'apres les dispositions de l'article12,§§1a.5et10a.12. Pour detenniner les frais de transport, Ie poids net de ces envois est majore de 10%. 2. -L'Administration qui remet des correspondances-avion en transit a. decouvert a. une autre Administration doit lui payer en entier les frais de transport cal- cules pour tout Ie parcours aerien ulMrieur. CHAPITRE IV BUREAU INTERNATIONAL. ARTICLE 14 of services whose creation and upkeep give rise to extraordinary expenses (extraordinary services). The transportation charges rela- tive to those services are fixed, for each kilogram, by the Adminis- trations to which such services belong; they are applied propor- tionally to fractions of a kilogram. 12. The transportation charges Other classes appJi. b . cable. a ove mentIOned are also due for correspondence exemptfrom trans- it charges, as well as for missent dispatches or mail articles, in case that they are transmitted by the air route. 13. Administrations of coun- Dispatches in transit. tries flown over have no right to any compensation for dispatches transported by air over their ter- ritory. ARTICLE 13 Transportatwn charges jor aerial Transi~ charges for de · 'l open mall. correspon nce tn open ma'l 1. The transportation charges for air-mail correspondence ex- cha~ed in open mail between two AdministratIOns shall be calcu- lated in accordance with the pro- visions of Article 12, Sections 1 to 5and10to12. In order to determine the trans- portation charges, the net weight of such articles is increased by 10 per cent. 2. An Administration which de- livers air-mail correspondence in transit in open mail to another AdministratIOn shall pay it the entire amount of the transporta- tion charges calculated for all the subsequent aerial transmission. CHAPTER IV INTERNATIONAL BUREAU ARTICLE 14 Exchanges. Calculation. International Bureau. Communications d adresser au Communication8 to be addre88ed to Bureau international et aux Ad- the International Bureau and to ministrations. the Administrations I. -Les Administrations doi- 1. The Administrations shall niTarmstroBot (talk)r:i~~ ~=~ vent communiquer au Bureau communicate to the International and to Administra· international, au moyen d'une Bureau, by means of a list con- tions.