Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/923

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2939 prunte les services aeriens, y cludiI?-g of destination, if compris, Ie cas echeant, celIe de occaSIon arlSes. destmation. ARTICLE 19 ARTICLE 19 Oompte desjrais de tran.r;port amen Account oif air-transportation Air-transportation • charge aecount. ref}~es sur la base des stati.8ti.ques. charges settled on the baS1S of I. -Pendant les periodes de statistique, les Administrations intermediaires prennent note, dans un releve conforme au modele A V 3 ci-annexe, des poids indiques sur les etiquettes 01.1 suscriptlOns exterieures des depeches-avion qu'elles ont reacheminees par 10. voie aerienne, soit dans leur reseau interne, soit au dela des frontieres de leur pays. Il est dresse un releve pour chaque bureau d'e- ch!lnge expediteur de depeches- aVlon. 2.- Les Administrations de re- ception des depeches-avion, qui assurent par 10. voie aerienne Ie reacheminement des correspon- dances-avion qu'elles contiennent, soit dans leur reseau interne, soit au dela des frontieres de leur pays, dressent un releve conforme au modele A V 4 ci-annexe d'apres les indications figurant sur les bordereaux A V 2. 11 est procede de 10. meme maniere en ce qui con- cerne les correspondances-avion contenues dans les depeches ordinaires. 3.- Aussitot que possible et, au plus tard, six semaines apres 10. cloture de operations de statistique, les releves A V 3 et A V 4 sont transmis aux bureaux d'echange expediteurs pour etre revetus de leur acceptation. Ces bureaux, apres avoir accepte les releves, les transmettent a leur tour a leur Administration cen- trale qui les fait parvenir a l'Ad- ministration centrale crcanciere. 4.-S i l'Administration crean- ciere n'a re~u aucune observation rectificative dans un intervalle de trois mois a compter de l'envoi, . les releves sont consideres comme admis de plein droit. Dans les relations entre pays eloignes, ce delaj est porte a quatre mois. statistics 1. During the statistical 'per- S~tt1e<i on h'lsis of iods, the intermediate AdIllinis- statlstl("S; trations take note, on a form agreeing with l\lodd A V 3 hereto P08/, p. 2\15.) . appended, of theweightsindicat.ed on t.he labels or outside ad- dr('sses of the air-mail dispatches which they have reforwarded by the air route, either in their do- mestic services or hevond the frontiers of their countries. A statement is made up for each exchange office of origin of air mails. 2. Administrations receiving air mails, which assure the refor- warding of the air-mail corre- spondence which they contain by the air route, either in their do- mestic services or bevond the frontiers of their countries, pre- pare a statement conforming to Model A V 4 hereto appended, in PORt, pp. 2 ':j[lIl, 29.' \4. accordance with the entries ap- pearing in the lists A V 2. The same procedure is followed in re- gard to air-mail correspondence contained in ordinary dispatches. 3. As soon as possible, and at the latest six weeks after the close of Rtatistical operations, the forms AV3andAV4aresenttothe dispatching exchange offices for acceptance. Those offices, after accepting the statements, send them in tum to their central Administration, which forwards them to the central Administra- tion of the creditor country. 4. If the creditor Administra- tion has not received any state- ment of differences within an in- terval of three months, counting from the date of transmittal, the statements are considered as auto- matically accepted. In relations between distant countries, that p('riod is extended to four months.