Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/927

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e"NIVERSAL POSTAL CONVESTION. MARCH 20, 1934. constatation de l'etat et, eventuel- lement, reconstitution des cor- respondances endommagees, diri- ge les depeches sur les bureaux destinataires par les voies les plus rapides. 2. - Les circonstances de l'in- cident et les constatations faites sont signalees par bulletin de verification aux bureaux destina- taires des depeches aecidenMes; une eopie du bulletin de verifica- tion est adressee au bureau d'ori- gine des depeches. ARTICLE 28 Dedouanement de8 correspondances passibles de droits de do·uane. Les Administrations prennent drs mesures pour accelerer autant que possible Ie dedouanement des correspondances-a vion passiblcs de droits de douane. ARTICLE 29 of the damaged correspondence and repairing it if necessary, for- wards the dispatches to the offices of destination by the most rapid routes. 2. The circumstances of the ac- cident and the facts determined are reported by bulletin of verifi- cation to the offices of destination of the dispatches involved; a copy of the bulletin of verification is ad- dressed to the office of origin of the dispa tehes. ARTICLE 28 Customs clearance oj correspond- ence liable to duty The Administrations take steps to accelerate, as far as possible, the clearance of air-mail corre- spondence liable to customs duty. AUTICLE 29 2943 ('llstom!:' dt>arall('i ' , Application des dispositions de la Application oj the provisions oj the A16:32, 19 November 2014 (UTC)~s~ion Convention et des Arrangements. Convention and Agreements and Les dispositions de la Conven- tion et des Arrangements ainsi que de leurs Reglements, excep- tion faite de l'Arrangement des coli... postaux et de ~son Regle- ment, sont applicables en tout ce qui n'est pas expressement regIe par Ies articles precedents. ARTICLE 30 The provisions of the Conven- tion and Agreements, as well as of their Regulations, with the excep- tion of the Parcel-Post Agreement and its Regulations, are applica- ble in everything which is not ex- pressly regulated by the foregoing Articles. ARTICLE 30 Srope, Mise d execution et durie des Effective date and duration oj the Di8positions adoptees. Provisions adopted Les presentes Dispositions se- ron t execu toires a partir du jour de la mise en vigueur de la Con- vention. Elles auront la merne duree que cette Convention, a moins qu'elles ne soient renouvelees d'un commun accord entre les Parties interessces. Fait au Caire, Ie 20 mars 1934. The present Provisions will be EITeetive date and in force from the effeetive date of dur:luon. the Convention. They will have the same dura- tion as that Convention, unless they are renewed by mutual agree- ment among the parties concerned. Done at Cairo, ::\fareh 20, 1934.