Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/932

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2948 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. :MARCH 20, 11)34. Final Protocol. PROTOCOLE FINAL DE., DIS- POSITIONS CONCERNANT LE TRANSPORT DE LA POSTE AUX LETTRES PAR VOlE AERIENNE. I Frais de transport air/~en des dep~ches closes. British India and L Ad..t t' d1'1d Soviet Republics tran- es IUInlS ra IOnS e ne sit charges. britannique et de l'Union des Republiques Sovietiques Socia- listes ont la faculte de percevoir, pour chaque parcours de leur reseau aerien interne, ]('s fmis de transport prevus it l'article 12. Reducing weight. unit. II Faculte de reduire l' f:chelon de poids unitaire des correspondances- amon. Les Administrations dont Ie systeme de poids Ie permet ont Ia faculte d'adopter des echelons d'un poids inferieur it c<'lui de 20 grammes prcvu it l'article 4, § 2. Dans ce cas, Ia surtaxe est fixee suivant l'echelon de poids adopte. III Surtaxes exceptionnelles en faveur de certains pays d' Europe. Exceptional sur- L"d"tt' d'E charges by certain Eu- es 1\' mInIS Ta IOns urope ropean countries. qui, par suite de la situation geo- graphique de leurs pays, eprou- vent des difficulMs it adopter une surtaxe uniforme pour toute l'Eu- rope sont autorisees it percevoir des surtaxes proportionnelles aux distances, suivant les dispositions de l'article 4, § 2. Cette faculte est accordee egale- ment aux autres pays d'Europe pour leur trafic ayec I('s pays mentionncs a l'alinea precedent. Fait au Caire, Ie 20 mars 1934. FINAL PROTOCOL OF THE PROVISIONS CONCERN- ING THE TRANSPORTA- TION OF REGULAR :MAILS BY AIR I Aerial tran8portation charges for closed mails The Administrations of British India and the Union of Socialistic Soviet Republics have the option of collecting, for each section of their domestic air systems, the transportation charges proyided for in Article 12. II Option of redu.cing the 1/)el~gM-llnit for air-mail correspondence Administrations whose system of weights permits it hay'e the option of adopting units of weight lower than that of 20 grams pro- vided for in Article 4, Section 2. In that case, the surcharge is fixed in accordance with the scale of weight adopted. III Exceptional surcharges in faror of certain European countries Administrations of Europe which, due to the geographic situation of their countries, find it difficult to adopt a uniform surcharge for all Europe, fire authorized to collect surcharges in proportion to the distances, in accordance with the proyisions of Article 4, Section 2. That option is also granted to other European countries in their relations with the countries men- tioned in the preceding paragnph. Done at Cairo, ~Iarch 20, 1934.