Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/941

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CONVENTION-NATIONALITY OF WOMEN. DECEMBER 26, 1933. 2957 Conl'ention between the United States oj America and other American _D~_mber 26,1933. Republics on Nationality oj n·omen. Signed at Alontevideo, Decem- ber 26, 1933,' ratification advised by the Senate, Alay 24,1934; Tati- fled by the President, June 30, 1934; raHfication oj the United States of America deposited with the Pan American Union, July 13, 1934; proclaimed, October 11, 1934. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE CNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAJ\fATION U1"HEREAS a Convention on the Nationality of \Yomen was signed r8~ Ameri~n CX?n- " • ventlon on nationality by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, OfPrTarmstroBot (talk)r:;le. with a reservation; Honduras, with a reservation; EI Salvador, with a reservation; Dominican Republic; Haiti; Argentina; Uruguay; Paraguay; Mexico; Panama; Bolivia; Guatemala; Brazil; Ecuador; Nicaragua; Colombia; Chile; Peru and Cuba at the Seventh Inter- national Conference of American States at Montevideo, Uruguay, on December 26, 1933, the English and Spanish texts of which Con- vention are word for word as follows: CONVENTION ON THE NATIONALITY OF WOMEN The Governments represented in the Seventh International Con- ference of American States: Wishing to conclude a Convention on the Nationality of 'Vornen, Plenipotentiaries. have appointed the following Plenipotentiaries: Honduras: MIGUEL PAZ BARAONA AUGUSTO C. COELLO LUIS BOGI~AN United States oj America: CORDELL HULL ALEXANDER W. WEDDELL J. REUBEN CLARK J. BUTLER WRIGHT SPRUILLE BRADEN }'1iss SOPHONISBA P. BRECKINRIDGE. El Salvador: HECTOR DAVID CASTRO ARTURO RAM6N AVILA J. CIPRIANO CASTRO. Dominican Republic: TULlO ~L CESTERO.