Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1026

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LXXXII INDEX ShenlUldoall National Park. VL: Pace Sitka Harbor. Alask.. improvement au- Pac. Appropriation for administration, etc__ 605 thori.ed__________________________ 849 Police jurisdiction aesumed by United Sill Mile Cypress Slough. FIL. examin.... States; notification to Virginia____ _ 700 tionauthori¥c,i. _ _____ ___________ _ 878 Commissioner, appointment. jurisdie- Sill Nations. N. Y•• appropriation for ful- tion, etc___ __ __ _____ _____ ____ 702 filling treaty obligations with Indians_ 500 Powers reserved to State____________ 700 Sixteenth Census, appropriation for pre- Proteetion of birds and animals; Un- paratoryexpenses_________________ 288 lawful acts, penalty provisions_ _ 701 Skagit River. Waah•• examination author- Sherman' Institute. Rinrside. Calif.. ized_ _ _ ___ ____ __ ____________ _____ 880 appropriation for education ,)f In- Skagway River, AI ...ka. examination au- dlans_________________ _ __ ___ ____ _ __ 582 thorized_______ _ _____ __ _______ ____ 880 Shingles. Sec Red-Cedar Shinglcs. Skipanon Channel, O.·eg•• improvemcnt Shipp. Arthur M., paymcllt of claim______ 18 authorized_______ __ ____ _ ___ ___ __ _ 849 Shlppln, Board. S . . Unitc<l States Ship- Slam-Clearance Projects. Se. United ping Board. States I10using Act of 1937. Shipyard River. S. C .• improvemcnt au- Smallers Drain. VL, examination author- thonze,L____ ____ _ _______ _____ ___ _ 847 i¥ed_ _ ________ _______________ _ __ _ 852 Shln,ltz Indian Reservation. U,ah. area Smelter Fames Contr.ver.y. Trail, B. C .: enlarged______ _________ _ __ ___ ____ _ 239 Balances continued available for___ ___ _ 229 Shohol.. PL. time extended for bridging Waiver of previsions of Criminal Code Delaware Rivcrat_________________ 746 inemploymentofcounscL________ 198 Shoshone Indian Reservation, Wyo.• ac- Smith. Jame. Reuel, acceptance of certain qUisition of certain lands of. for Wind bequests authorized__ ______ ___ ___ _ _ 647 River irrigation project_ _____ ____ ___ 700 Smith River. Oreg., examination author- Shoshone Indians, Wyo.. appropriation ized______________________________ S80 for industrial assistancc____________ 575 Smithsonian Institution: ShoBhone Project, Wyo.. appropriation Appropriation for-- for construction, etc _____________ 594,596 Administrative eXp<'nscs, etc________ 342 Shre""port, La.. examination of channel to National Gallery of Art ______ . _ __ _ _ 343 Jefferson, Tex.• authorized _________ . 8. ';4 National M useum________________ . 342 Shwamberg. Mrs. M . N .• payment to____ 769 National Gallery of Art, administration Siam. appropriation for , ..inister to_ __ __ _ 263 by____ ______ __ ____ _____ ________ 52 Signal CerPIL See War Department. National gallery of art (existinp: !Jureau), Signal saretr Systems: name changed to National Collee- Approppation for illspecting, etc___ ___ 211) tion of Fine Arts____ __ __ __ ___ ___ _ 53 Installation hy railroad. __ ._ __ _ __ __ _ __ ~35 Smugglers Cove (Short Sands Beach). Sih'er Purchase A~t of 1934, appropriation Oreg., examination authorized __ . _ _ _ _ 855 for administrativt' (penscs- ____ ____ 137, Snake River: 138,139, IH, 151 Examination authorized, Idaho, Wash., Sinepuxent Bay, bridge authorized &<,ro ••, anJ Orep:_ ___________ ___ ___ __ __ _ 20 at Ocean City, Md____ ________ ____ !l01 Time extended for bridging, Clarkston, Sinuk River. Alaska. examination author- Wuh., to Lewiston, Idaho._ ._ _ __ _ 477 izoo_____________________________ 855 Snoqualmie National Forest, Wash., lands Sioux City. low.. time extended for added to_________________________ 739 bridging Missouri Riverst.__ ___ ____ 48 Social Secnrity Act.. See alBO Social Secu- Sioux Indians. appropriation for fulfilling rity Board. treaty obligations ______________ . __ 591 Appropriation for-- Sioux Indians, Pine Ridge Reservation, Census records, searching au,l sup- S. Dak•• appropriation authorized for plying informa"tion____ ________ _ 288 payment to_______________________ 441 D;"PRS. . . and sanitation in"I.'81ill:a- Appropriation for _ _ _ _ ___ __ ___ ______ _ 763 tionA___ ____ ____ __ _ _ ____ ___ ___ 150 Sioux R_natlon.. appropriation for pay- Grants to States- ment to Indians of _ _ _ __ ________ __ _ 221 Child-welfare ser"ices_______ . __ . _ 301 Sloox Sanatorium, S. Da.... construction, Crippled children, services for__ __ _ 331 funds continued available for_ _____ _ 585 Maternal and child health services_ 301 Sitka Cold Storage Co.. ~onveyance of Puhlic-health work. _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ ___ 150 certain land to, by Territory of Old-age reserve account_ _______ ___ _ 138 Alaska_ ________ _____ __ __ ___ __ ____ 652 "Employment", term modified_____ __ _ :;17