Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/18

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Pa ge Government disbursing o(Tcers, etc ., credits . A N ACT To authorize and direct the Comptroller General of the United States to allow credit for all outst anding disallo wances and sus pension s in t he account s of di sbursi ng offi cers or agents of the Govern ment f or payments made pursuan t to certain adjustments and increases in compensation of Gove rnme nt o ffi cers and emp loy ees August 12, 1937 6 24 Benton, Ill ., term of court . AN ACT To provide for a term of court at Benton, Illinois August 12, 1937 6 24 Shawnee, Okla ., court accommodations . A N ACT Relating to the ac- commodations for holding court at Shawnee, Oklahoma August 12, 1937 6 25 District of Columbia, age of consent for marriage, etc . AN ACT To in crease the age of conse nt for marriage in the District of Columbia to eighteen years of age in the case of males and six- teen years 5of ae in the case of females August 12, 1937-- 1


626 Di strict of Col umbia, protec tion of potato b uyers . A N ACT To protect the buyers of potatoes in the District of Columbia August 12, 1937 626 Narcotic laws, v iolat ions . AN ACT To increase the punishment of second, third, and subsequent offenders against the narcotic laws August 12, 1937 627 District of Columbia, offenses against p roperty . AN ACT To amend subchapter 2 of chapter 19 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia, relating to offenses against property August 12, 1937 _-

628 Dike, Missouri River . AN ACT To legalize a dike in the Missouri River six and nine-tenths miles downstream from the South Da kota State highway brid ge at Pierre, South Dak ota August 12, 1937 629 Bridge, Missouri River . AN ACT Granti ng the conse nt of Congre ss to the county court of Saline County, Missouri, to construct, maintain, and operate a to ll bridge across the Missouri River at or near Arrow Rock, Missouri August 12, 1937__

630 Bridge, Lake Sabine . AN AT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge over Lake Sabine at or near Po rt Arthur, Texas August 12, 1937 630 National safety and accident p revention. AN ACT To advance a program of national safety and accident prevention August 12, 1937 631 Bridge, Mississippi River . AN ACT To extend the times for commenc- ing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River between New Orleans and Gretna, Louisiana_ August 12, 1937 6 31 Bridge, Saint Lawrence River . AN ACT To extend the times for com- mencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Saint Lawrence Riv er at or near Ogdensburg, New Yo rk A ugust 12, 1937 631 Hawaii, lighthouse sites, etc. A N ACT To authorize the Sec ret ary of Comm erce to transf er the two un used li ghthous e sites in Kah ului Townsite, Island of Maui, Territory of Hawaii,n exchange for two plots o f land located in th e same townsit e and n ow occu pied for lighthouse purposes under permission from the respective owners, the Kahului Railr oad Company and the Hawaiian Co mm erc ial and Su gar Company, Limited August 12, 1937 632 Burr Creek, Conn . AN ACT To declare Burr Creek, from Fairfield Avenue south ward to Yacht Street in the city of Bridgeport, Connecticut, a nonnavigable stream August 12, 1937 632 Bridge, Cambridge Creek, Md. AN ACT Authorizing the State Roads Commission o f the State of Maryland to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across Cambridge Creek, in or near Cambridge, Dorchester County, Ma ry land, to replace a bridge already in existence August 12, 19 376 33 Interstate minimum wage, etc ., compact . JOINT RESOLUTION Granting the consent of Congress to the minimum-wage com- pact ratified by the Legislatures of Massachusetts, New Hamp- shire, and Rhode Island August 12, 1937 633 Utah, exchange of land. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to accept from the State of Utah title to a certain State- owned sectio n of la nd and to pat ent oth er land to the State in lieu thereof, and for other purposes August 14, 1937 637 Cabinet Gorge, power project . AN ACT To provide for studies and plans for the development of a hydroelectric power project at Cabinet Gorge, o n the Clark Fork of the Columbia River, for irrig ation p umping or othe r uses , and f or othe r purpo ses August 14, 1937 -- -

638 Customs, entry of vessels . AN ACT To amend the Tariff Act of 1930 to ex empt ve ssels a rriving for t he purp ose of taking on ship 's stores and certain sea stores from the requirement of formal entry August 14,1937 638 Kentucky, transfer of l and . A N ACT To authorize the transfer of a certa in piec e of la nd in B reckin ridge C ounty, Kentuck y, to t he Commonwealt h of Kentucky August 14, 1937 638