Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/204

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 223 -MAY 18, 1937 STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS For preparation, under the direction of the Committees on Appro- priations of the Senate and House of Representatives, of the state- ments for the first session of the Seventy-fifth Congress, showing appropriations made, indefinite appropriations, and contracts author- ized, together with a chronological history of the regular appropria- tion bills, as required by law, $4,000, to be paid to the persons designated by the chairmen of such committees to do the work . A RCHIT ECT OF THE CAPI TOL OFFICE OF THE ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL Salaries : For the Arch itect of the Capitol, Assist ant Architect of t he Capitol, and other persona l services at rates of pay pr ovided by l a w ; and the Assistant Architect of the Capitol sha ll act as Archi- tect of the Capitol during the absence or disability of that official or whenever there is no Architect ; $54,500 . CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Capitol Buildings : For necessary expenditures for the Capitol Building and electrical substations of the Senate and House Office Buildings, under the jurisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol, including minor improvements, maintenance, repair, equipment, sup- plies, material, fuel, oil, waste, and appurtenances ; furnishings and office equipment ; personal and other services ; cleaning and repair- ing works of art ; purchase or exchange (not to exceed $1,000), maintenance, and driving of motor-propelled passenger-carrying office vehicle ; not exceeding $300 for the purchase of technical and necessary reference books, periodicals, and city directory ; $296,199, of which sum $7 .868 shall be available for repairs, alterations, and equipment in the gallery area of the House wing of the Capitol for the accommodatio n of the pre ss and constr uction change s incident thereto in accordance with plans prepared by the Architect of the Capi tol . Appropriations under the control of the Architect of the Capitol shall be available for expenses of travel on official business not to exceed in the aggregate under all funds the sum of $1,500 . Capitol Grounds : For care and improvement of grounds sur- rounding the Capitol, Senate and House Office Buildings ; Capitol power plant ; personal and other services ; care of trees ; planting ; fertilizers

repairs to pavements, walks, and roadways ; purchase of

w ate rpr oof we ari ng app are l : ma intenance of signal lights ; and for snow removal by hire of men and equipment or under contract without compliance with sections 3709 (U . S. C., title 41, sec . 5) and 3744 (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 16) of the Revised Statutes, $103,107 . Legislative garage : For main tena nce, rep airs , al tera tion s, p erso nal and other services, and all necessary incidental expenses, $9,280 . Subway transportation, Capitol and Senate Office Buildings : For repairs, rebuilding, and maintenance of the subway cars connecting the Senate Of fice Building with the Senate wing of the United States Capitol and for personal and other services, including maintenance of the track and electrical equipment conn ected therewith, $2,000 . Senate Office Building : For maintenance, miscellaneous items and supplies, including furniture, furnishings, and equipment and for labor and material incident ther eto and repai rs thereof ; an d f or personal and other services for the care a nd operation of the Senate 179 Statement of Ap- propriations . Preparation, first session of Seventy- fifth Congress . Architect of the Capitol . Architect, assistant, and office personnel . Capitol Buildings and grounds. Maintenance, re- pair, etc . Tr av el, etc., ex- penses . Improvin g Capitol grounds . R.S.°°3709,3744. 41 U.S.C.°°5,16. Legislative garage . Subway, Capitol and Senate Office Buildings . Senate Office Build- ing, maintenance, etc .