Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/207

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182 Card indexes . Distribution, etc . Temporary services . State legi slati on .

INDEX TO STATE LEGISLATION To enable the Librarian of Congress to prepare an index to the legislation of the several States, together with a supplemental digest of the more important legislation, as authorized and directed by the Act entitled "An Act providing for the preparation of a biennial index to State legislation", approved February 10, 1927 (U . S . C . , title 2, sets . 164, 165), including personal and other services within and witho ut the Dist rict of Col umbia , inc luding not to exc eed $ 2,500 for special and temporary service at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, travel, necessary material and apparatus, and for print- ing and binding the indexes and digests of State legislation for official distribution only, and other printing and binding incident to the work of compilation, stationery, and incidentals, $39,700 . Preparation of in- dex and digest of . 44 Stat. 1066 . 2U.S.C.°°164,165. Temporary se rvice . Sunday, etc., open- ing, expenses . Union Catalogues. Development, maintenance, etc . Increase of the Li- brary . Purchase of books, etc . 7 5TH CON GRE SS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 223-M AY 18, 1937 DIST RIBUTIO N OF CA RD IND EXES For the distribution of card indexes and other publications of the Library, including personal services, freight charges (not exceed- ing $500), expressage, postage, traveling expenses connected with such distribution, expenses of attendance at meetings when incurred on t he wr itten autho rity and di recti on of the L ibrar ian, a nd in clud- ing not to exceed $58,500 for employees engaged in piecework and work by the day or hour and for extra special services of regular employees at rates to be fixed by the Librarian ; in all, $197,190, of which sum $15,000 shall be available immediately . TEMPORARY SERVICES For special and temporary service, including extra special services of regular employees, at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, $3,000 . SUNDAY OPENING To enable t he Library of Congress to be kept open for reference use on Sundays and on holidays within the discretion of the Libra- rian, including the extra services of employees and the services of additional employees under the Librarian, at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, $17,000 . UNION CATALOGUES To continue the development and maintenance of the Union Cata- logues, including personal services within and without the District of Columbia (and not to exceed $1,400 for special and temporary service, including extra special services of regular employees, at rates to be fixed by the Librarian), travel, necessary material and apparatus, stationery, photostat supplies, and incidentals, $24,000 . INCREASE OF THE LIBRARY For purchase of books, miscellaneous periodicals and newspapers, and all other material for the increase of the Library, including pay- ment in advance for subscription books and society publications, and for freight, commissions, and traveling expenses, including ex- penses of attendance at meetings when incurred on the written au- thority and direction of the Librarian in the interest of collections, and all other expenses incidental to the acquisition of books, miscel- laneous periodicals and newspapers, and all other material for the increase of the Library, by purchase, gift, bequest, or exchange, to continu e available during the fiscal year 1939, $100 ,000 .