Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/213

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188 [CHAPTER 226]

AN ACT May 18, 1937 [H . R. 4728] To authorize cooperation in the development of farm forestry in the States and [Public, No . 95]

Territories, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That in order to aid agriculture, increase farm-forest income, conserve water resources, increase employment, and in other ways advance the general welfare and imp rove li ving co ndition s on fa rms thr ough re foresta tion an d afforestation in the various States and Territories, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized in cooperation with the land-grant colleges and universities and St ate forestry agenci es, each within its respective field of activities, according to the statutes, if any, of the respec- tive States, wherever such agencies can and will cooperate, or in default of such cooperation to act directly, to produce or procure and distribute forest trees and shrub planting stock ; to make neces- sary investigations ; to advise farmers regarding the establishment, protection, and management of farm forests and forest and shrub plantations and the harvesting, utilization, and marketing of the products thereof ; and to enter into cooperative agreements for the establishment, protection, and care of farm- or other forest-land tree and shrub plantings within such States and Territories ; and, when- ever suitable Government-owned lands are not available, to lease, purchase, or accept donations of land and develop nursery sites for the production of such forest planting stock as is needed to effectuate the purposes of this Act, but not including ornamental or other stock for lan dscape plantin gs comm only gr own by establi shed co mmercia l nurserymen, and no stock grown in Government and cooperating nurseries shall be allowed to enter regular trade channels . No cooperative reforestation or afforestation shall be undertaken pur- suant to this Act unless the cooperator makes available without charge the land to be planted . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated annually not to exceed $2,500,000 for carrying out the purposes of this Act . This Act shall be known as the Cooperative Farm Forestry Act. Appr oved, May 18, 1 937 . Cooperative Farm For estry Act . Federal cooperation in developing farm forestry in the States and Territor ies . Investigations and adv ice. Cooperative agree- ments . Nursery sites, etc . Land to be planted to be made available without charge . Annual appropria- tion authorized. Title of Act . [CHAPTER 227] AN ACT Amending section 2 of Public Law Numbered 716 of the Seventy-fourth Congress, [Public, No . 96]

being an Act entitled "An Act to relieve restricted Indians whose lands have been taxed or have been lost by failure to pay taxes, and for other purposes ." Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 2 of Public Law Numbered 716 of the Seventy-fourth Congress, being an Act entitled "An Act to relieve restricted Indians whose lands have been taxed or have been lost by failure to pay taxes, and for other purposes", is hereby amended to read as follows SEC . 2 . All homesteads, heretofore purchased out of the trust or restricted funds of individual Indians, are hereby declared to be instrumentalities of the Federal Government and shall be nontax- able until otherwise directed by Congress : Provided, That the title to such homesteads shal l be held subject t o restrictions agai nst aliena- tion or encumbrance except with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior : And provided further, That the Indian owner or owners sha ll select, with the approval of the Sec retary of the Inter ior, either the agricultural and grazing lands, not exceeding a total of one hundred and sixty acr es, or the village, town, or c ity proper ty, not ex ceeding in cost $5,0 00, to be designated as a homes tead . Appr oved, May 19, 1 937 . May 19, 1937 [S . 150] Indian lands . 49 Stat . 1542. 25U.S.C.,Supp. II, ° 412a. Homesteads pur- chased from trust, etc ., funds to be non- taxable . Provisos . Rest rictions against alienation, etc . Optional selection of lands . 75T H CONGRESS, 1sT SES SION -CH S . 226, 227-MAY 18, 19, 1937