Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/220

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7 5TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 229-MAY 20, 1937 "(3) To p resc ribe such addi tiona l equ ipmen t as may be de ter- mined to be necessary to supplement that specified herein, for the prop er fun ctioni ng of the ra dio in stallat ion in stalle d in a ccord- ance with this part or for the proper conduct of radio communi- cation in time of emergency or distress . "TRANSMIS SION OF INFORMATI ON "SEC . 3 57 . (a) The master of every ship of the United States equipped with radio transmitting apparatus, on meeting with danger- ou s ice, a dan gerous derel ict, a tropi cal sto rm, or any o ther d irect danger to navigation, shall cause to be transmitted all pertinent in formation relating thereto, to ships in the vicinity and to th e appro- priate authorities, in accordance with rules and regulations issued b y the Comm issi on, w hich autho riti es of the Unit ed St ates shal l, when they consider it necessary, promptly bring the information received by them to the knowledge of those concerned and foreign authorities interested . "(b) No charge shall be made by any ship or station in the mobile se rvice of the Unite d Stat es for the t ransmis sion, receip t, or relay of the information designated in subsection (a) originating on a ship of the United States or of a foreign country . "(c) The transmission by any ship of the United States, made in compliance with subsection (a), to any station which imposes a charge for the reception, relay, or forwarding of the required infor- mation, shall be free of c ost. t o the ship concerned and any communi- cation charge s incu rred b y the ship f or tran smissi on, re lay, o r for- warding of the information may be certified to the Commission for reimbursement out of moneys appropriated to the Commission for that purpose . "(d) No charge shall be made by any ship or station in the mobile service of the United States for the transmission of distress messages and replies thereto in connection with situations involving the safety of life and property at sea . "(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any station or carrier may render free service in connection with situations involving the s afety of l ife and p roper ty, inclu ding hydro grap hic r eport s, weather reports, reports regarding aids to navigation and medical assistance to injured or sick persons on ships and aircraft at sea . All free service permitted by this subsection shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the Commission may prescribe, which rules may lim it suc h free servi ce to the ex tent wh ich th e Comm ission finds desirable in the public interest . " AUTHORITY OF MASTER "SEC . 358. The radio installation, the operators, the regulation of their watches, the transmission and receipt of messages, and the radio service of the ship except as they may be regulated by law or inter- national agreement, or by rules and regulations made in pursuance thereof, shall in the case of a ship of the United States be under the supreme control of the master . "C ERT IF ICA TES "SEC . 359. (a) Each vessel of the United States to which the safety conve ntion appl ies shall comp ly w ith t he ra dio a nd c ommun icati on provisions of said convention at all times while the vessel is in use, in addition to all other requirements of law, and have on board an appropriate certificate as prescribed by the safety convention . 195 Transmission of in- formation . Authority of master . Certificates .